Does anybody else have problems with the quality of the videos on Waypoint? Everything else looks perfect but at least for me the videos look blurry. Videos I've bought through the marketplace look fine.
Waypoint videos stream, so they stream at the highest quality it can for your bandwidth and speed you have. So it will be lower quality the slower the net you have. Videos you download off the Marketplace are fully downloaded before you watch them, so you have the final high quality video before you watch. The stream from Waypoint is like watching a YouTube video, depending on your speed you can choose 360p/480p/720p/1080p [For YouTube that is] for example.
Correct. though actually, one of the videos on Halo Waypoint are blurry and LQ. Every other video is fine and plays perfectly on 1080p for me, but the new MSNBC or whatever it was is terrible quality.