I've been messing around with Pan Cam and thought I would take some pictures =] Of course beeing so far out of the map causes a lot of fog over the Play Field area of the maps so I sorta modified the picture colours so it didn't look so foggy =] If you want to download the pictures to your 360 just click on the picture, I have these in my FileShare [For now] Anyway here they are. A picture of Blackout, from a short distance away Valhalla, short distance Last Resort, you can see the "cut off" areas. Technically behind the map Avalanche, would have gone further away but it glitches too much. Standoff, you can see the detailed map comparred to the less detailed "out of map" areas. A definate line between the both. Standoff, "The man in the moon" [Bottom right corner near the bright area] I modified this picture a lot to see the face easily. Ghost Town, So far away it isn't funny. The white background is part of the map. The blured parts at the top are clouds. That small white dot in the middle is actually ghost town itself. Ghost Town, slightly closer.
Yeah very true. To be honest, why would you make it that huge? You can barely see the trees that are outside the map. What's with all that ground? You can't see it at all...
EDIT: Just realised how long that post was =P I'm sure if you go to YouTube and do a search for "Halo 3 Pan Cam" there would be much better tutorials but you know... I'm not much of a tutorial kind of person. I prefer to show rather then tell. That sounded a little suss... Uhhh. Turn on Pan Cam =] Lol if I remmember correctly (It's one of those things I kinda just know what to do when I'm doing it but hard to explain =\) 1] Network Mode - Local 2] Start Custom game, any map 3] Hold RB - LB - A - LStick - UpArrow Should see a bunch of numbers appear They are your Co-ordinates 4] Then Hold in LS - RS and Left arrow I belive, one of the DPad arrows =\ When you press an arrow it should say [pan cam] at the end of the numbers 5] Go to forge mode on the map you want out of 6] Place a few Fusion coils 7] Switch to Spartan Mode - Throw Grenade - Switch back to Monitor Mode (When the fusion coils explode you must be in Monitor Mode so the Monitor blows up not the Spartan) 8] End game and go to Theater 9] I haven't found a way to fast forward while in Pan Cam so wait untill the Monitor Explodes and Pause the Film 10] Press Y a few times to make sure you cannot be sent back to your character 11] You can press the Up and Down arrows to increase and lower your speed (The number directly to the left of where it says [pan cam] indicates your current speed. As far as I know there is no maximum limit) 12] Increase your speed to about 100 000, depending on which level you want out of (Some are different) 13] Look up and push forward, do not hold forward. 14] Look around to find your bearings, lower your speed to something like 50-200 so you don't mess up 15] Have fun If the co-ordinates say you are at -50 000 or 50 000 good luck finding out where you are. The screen will glitch/blur and go black and you will see lots of pink and green boxes over the screen. Just go back to before you died and press Y and start over. Trial and error =] I believe it also works in Campaign mode, though you have to jump off a cliff or something like that so you cannot go back to the MC's view =] Enjoy =D