Sandbox Waterworks

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by BE7RAYER, May 20, 2009.


    BE7RAYER Ancient
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    This is my remake of waterworks from Halo 2. its good for 4-16 players, team slayer, CTF, assault, and territories
    I tried to stay as close as possible to the original because i hadn't seen a decent remake of this map and i loved it from Halo 2


    Blue Base Front

    Red Base Side

    -2x Banshees
    -2x Ghosts
    -2x Machine gun Hogs

    - BR
    - Carbine
    - Sniper
    - Rockets
    - Brutshot
    - Sword
    - Needler
    - Magnum
    - SMG
    i think thats it


    Also if you remember from the original the death pit in the middle i tried my hardest to recreate that with kill balls, they really help to control the flow of the map, while not being to in the way.

    Thank You Guys for checking out my map ill be posting some more remakes too when i get a chance haha
    Please download / Rate / and leave any comments on how you enjoyed, hated the map and or what you think need improvement
    Also this is my first forge hub post so someone please let me know if i did this right haha.

    Happy Forging
  2. XxHG Br K1ngxX

    XxHG Br K1ngxX Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks nice man, I'll give it a download and get back to you:)

    Edit: The map looks exactly like the actual waterworks. The middle, bases, and everything. I like this map because of the model of the map, I loved the Halo 2 waterworks, and I love this map. Could put a filter on to make it look cool, and maybe some more team colors. But other then that, I love the map.
    #2 XxHG Br K1ngxX, May 20, 2009
    Last edited: May 21, 2009
  3. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    It looks like a pretty basic map that doesn't have anything that really stands out. I think that you should post some more pictures of your map. It will show exactly what is good about your map and what is special about it. It also loooks like there are some spots where you could merge a few things or interlock them.

    Overall -3/ need something special and more pics
  4. XxHG Br K1ngxX

    XxHG Br K1ngxX Ancient
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    It is an exact remake of the Halo 2 map Waterworks. I am currently on the map, and it looks a lot better then the pictures show. Sure, it looks plain, but it's a Halo 2 remake and he did a hell of a job to do it. I like it.

    BE7RAYER Ancient
    Senior Member

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    thanks for advice i feel the center is real unique i just didn't have time to get pictures ill make an edit when i get them

    Also btw im downloading your Gas leak map it looked pretty cool ill tell you what i think when i get a chance to look at it!

    Thank you XxHG Br K1ngxX i appreciate it i put a lot of work into it im glad you like it!
    #5 BE7RAYER, May 20, 2009
    Last edited: May 20, 2009
  6. blackandblutoo

    blackandblutoo Ancient
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    Easily my favorite map in halo 2. I recently had my friend over and we played halo 2. We played waterworks for hours. Since I played it recently I can tell you that it is about as perfect as it can get. I would have never even attempted it. But you, my friend, you took the impossable challenge and met it with a fist of strength and might. Great job, You should interlock to make the map neater
  7. Whero Michael

    Whero Michael Ancient
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    This plays like it could be a fun map, but....this is not WaterWorks. I don't know if any of you remember lol, but WaterWorks (the one from Halo 2 at least) had a three story Banshee bulding. It was IMMENSE. There was also many ways to fall off of the map, and...basically it was a massive sized map.

    This map is not Waterworks. I don't know what you were thinking when you made this and though you were making a Waterworks map. The only thing I see similar is the bridge in the middle.

    Waterworks is pretty much impossible to make on Sandbox, so you might want to change the map title to something else, as this map is nothing like it.
  8. MavRen Ra

    MavRen Ra Ancient
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    Cool, that you have chosen this to remake. I think it is pretty hard to remake a map that has been originally huge. Blood Gulch/Coag. remakes have been fails since no one could built the hill passages and center hills properly, but that is actually what makes BG BG and Coag. Coag.
    For Waterworks the most important features have been the size and the center structure. I agree that remaking Waterworks on Skybubble is impossible due to the floor size and I am glad that you have not chosen a blocked laser canvas, but you should post pictures of your center structure to have a look at the only left feature to recognize the map.
    What for the bases? I recommend placing the pillars around the turrets flat on the roof as cover. Those are not necessary as turret details, but cover is.
    Further, on Sandbox I think two Banshees are useless. So, you could place one Banshee in the middle (somewhere) to have the teams fight for it (though a Banshee is still hard to maneuver on Sandbox, at least for me ;) ..) or replace them by Transport Hornets (I would prefer second, for CTF reasons!).
  9. RichIBuildJumps

    RichIBuildJumps Ancient
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    Looks very nice and fairly accurate. I can't fully remember the layout of water works. But I do remember the falling stalagtites :) Would be cool if they were bought back in. Put some more pictures in and I might be enticed to dowload. 3/5 from what I can see here.
  10. Esorath

    Esorath Ancient
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    Dang you beat me to it.
    I was willing to undergo the remaking of waterworks, but from what i see youve done probably better than i could have. The structures seem well forged and i can tell you went back and forth between H3 and H2 to tell what goes where.
    Not sure if the kill balls will affect GP though. They are usually loud and obnoxious but i can tell why you put them there.
    How about the item limit? did u hit that? I always run into that problem,
    4.5/5 until i get a chance to DL...i'll get back after i give it a spin

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