Water Powerplant is an electric powerplant that converts the energy from the waterfall into electricity, but it is now abandoned and under siege from the covanant who want to take it over and use its power. it supports every gametype execpt for race. there are two main bases the red base, and the blue base. the blue base is a lot smaller than the red base, but the red base has so many ways into it, it isnt one sided. it is mostly designed for slayer and one sided objective games, but works for most every gametype. have fun playing and if you have any suggestions message me, imtriggerhappy9 P.S. I even had one guy message me on xbox live telling me how awesome it was ha ha ha so check it out! you wont regret it OVERVIEW OF MAP BLUE BASE OVERVIEW OF MAP VIEW INTO UNDERWATER TUNNEL VIEW FROM EXIT OF UNDERWATER TUNNEL INTO REDS BASE ************************************************************************** UPDATE -added more cover for the attacking side. -fewer weapons for red side. BUGS -when playing capture the flag the blue side capture point is having problems... i cant figure out why but will keep you all updated on the issue.
Wow that is a very unique use of the natural parts of forge world, I love it. The whole concept of the map is awesome and from the looks of the pictures the forgehub looks very clean and appears to be a well balanced map. One thing I dont see is a weapons list! It's important to list those and the number of spare clips and the respawn times. Lastly more detailed and upclose pictures wouldn't hurt.
thanks for the feedback hey thanks for the feed back i will work on a weapons list tomorrow. but for now i have updated it to be more balanced for the attackers. and about the pictures i dont want to put to many because i want people to download it and see it for them selfs imtriggerhappy