Waterlogged Created by Yorgie G Supported Gametypes: Slayer, Ctf, Assult Map Description one day i was playing the first mission of campain and at the end i thought "hey this whould make a good multiplayer map", and this is the product a 2v2 objective based map. list of weapons: 2 battle rifles 2 carbines 2 spiker 2 plasma rifles 2 smgs 1 sniper 1 beam rifle 1 shot gun 1 needler 1 mualer(replaced by bottom two) 1 rocket (sysmetrical) 1 grav-hammer(asysmetrical) _________________________________________________ the middle of the map without water or the island this is the middle with water and the island this is the red side of the walkway the blue side of the walkway the red base the blue base _________________________________________________ NOTICE:the sreenshots were taken before i tidyed up the map a bit so it may look diffrent. Thank You Download Waterlogged
whats with the name? i like the map idea, but one thing i have had enough of it fake water made out of sheild doors.
The map gives signs that gameplay could be fruitful but I have doubts about it. The overall layout of the map is fine, but here at forgehub you among many people who will work on a map for weeks to months perfecting every imperfection seen by the naked eye or some that will never be seen at all. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it does not look clean or much different than anything that has ever come out. While among such criticizing people, you will probably have truble getting many downloads for this map until the you pictures portray the map in a way that people can either see very very few flaws or none at all. From the pics I give it a 3/5. After finals I'll try to remember to Dl and at least try out the gameplay and tell you if you should Remake, but for no it's study study study for me. Love, Zachary9990
^i agree wit red eyes. the water is sorta weird. unless the map is ment to be an island or is based around a river/lake id stay away from fake water. other than that the map looks nice. lost o' interlocking. the only thing i could recomend is making more exits & entrances to the flag spawns. itll prevent camping and make good game play.
It looks like a very easy way to break the map. I saw it all around the edges. I didn't see if you put down that you were just showing us the inside and had the wall not start at start
i think its cool how you are trying to make a remake of a campaign mission and those are really hard to do especially in foundry. although you did a pretty good job on it and some things are hard to recognize though but im not blaming you (double boxes). anyways im not sure how it will do in gameplay but nonetheless good job and keep forging