This one was a fun 4 to 5 hour project I put together about a week back (take note my gamertag is FuN Fortress while my forum name is SigSauer, really have to change that or something). The map is great for smaller slayer/headhunter games (i.e. 4 to 8 players), and has some unique design features, which I will mention with the help of some eyecandy: Map Overview As you can see, Watering Hole is placed in the blue waters of Forge World, you will even see chest-deep (and in some places neck deep!) corridors filled with water. Don't worry, these are perfectly safe to walk into, but beware of the limited vision of the floors below the water's surface, and watch your step (not to say there aren't railings to prevent any accidental falls). These submerged areas act as 'safe zones' against jetpackers who are fast to get the jump on you, as these areas seem intimidating to most to jump over. A common element with the map is that players with the jetpack seem to make use of the platforms above the water, while sprinters/hologramers use the tight corners and waterways to their advantage. Grenade Launcher Corner Adjacent to the 'Sword Dish' and 'Raised Hall'. Lots of deep water in all directions, but most of it is safe to cross (granted you're watching the floor). Don't get anxious to camp this area, as the rocks above make for perfect vantage points for Jetpackers. Turret Corner Noticeably one of the most elevated spots on the map, the 'Turret Corner' of the map offers a full view of the 'Submerged Hall', great for picking off players (or mowing down with the available machine gun turret) just emerging from 'Sword Dish' or forcing players up to the 'Concussion Rifle Tower'. Cannon Corner (+Raised Hall) Adjacent to the 'Raised Hall', this area can deliver a player either to the lowest depths of the map (where the water can submerge all but your visor) or propel you conveniently onto the Turret Platform on the other end of the map. Great for quick getaways, but beware use of the jetpack while being thrown by the lift, you'll end up going swimming. Just below this corner lies a submerged cave with the rocket launcher nestled within. Beware though, players by the 'Turret Platform' are just as able to reach it as well. The Rock Nestled on this perch is the Sniper Rifle, but not up at the very tip top as people would hope. In fact, the weapon isn't useful at all unless you use the jetpack. The rifle is easily reachable by foot travelers nonetheless. Scaling this rock formation will grant you use of the highest location on the map, with the Man Cannon trajectory in plain sight. Nothing can stop a tactical player up here unless it's jetpack to jetpack. Watch your ammo count though. Also behind is the 'Sword Dish'. Submerged Hall The 'longest' stretch of the map, due in part to the lack of cover it offers. Great for quick access to the Sword (located on the dish behind the rock formation) and accessible through the center of the map as well, this is an excellent 'shortcut' area. Beware of the Machine Gun Turret looming on the high platform, however, as the only weapons available in this area to counter it with are the needler in the cave leading to 'Center Dish' and the Concussion Rifle in the sniper tower. Map Inventory 2 DMRs (in a building near a grav lift, another near a health pack by the turret platform) 2 Plasma Repeaters (rock formation near grenade launcher, another near 3-story building) 1 Shotgun (in the bottom floor of the 3-story building near Center map) 1 Rocket Launcher (reduced ammunition, in a cave behind 3-story building) 2 Needlers (1 in the rock tunnel leading to 'Center Dish' and another on a ramp opposite) 1 Concussion Rifle (in a sniper nest tower on the 'Submerged Hall' near the Turret) 1 Sniper Rifle (on a 'spiral' rising of rocks on the main rock formation) 2 Needle Rifles (one on the 'Turret Platform' and one on the walkway above the man cannon) 1 Grenade Launcher (Behind a box near the corner with the glass covers) 1 Machine Gun Turret (large platform overlooking 'Submerged Hall') 1 Energy Sword ('Sword Dish' behind rock formation) 2 Health Packs (one by the 'DMR building' and one at the base of the 'Turret Platform') That concludes this preview, have fun with this map everybody, my Invasion map 'Sandbar' will be posted here shortly (assuming you haven't peeked at my file share for it already). Edit: If anybody can help me put the thumbnail on my thread title, I'd be much obliged. Thanks!