Hey guys, This is my very first post on ForgeHub! What I am showing today is a map I have been working on call "Water Pit". This map is a symmetrical map made for Slayer and Capture the Flag gametypes. I have not played an entire game on the map so I still need people to download and test it to make sure it plays smoothly. Youtube video is up and running! YouTube - Halo Reach: "Water Pit" Flythrough Thanks, Proctor 14
Ok thanks guys. Ya I spent a couple of days forgeing this and they video is being uploaded right now so check it out!
Narrows inspired im guessing. Great map judging from the video 2 vs 2 or even up to 3 vs 3 but that would be really pushing it. The side paths really do have a huge advantage you might have to put some cover in the middle on the sides but thats a might. i would gladly have a game wit you if you wanted a 2 vs 2 game im in.
Ya it's Narrows inspired. I was thinking that since the fastest direction from point A to point B is straight that I would have it kinda like the hell zone.