Hope you like it. Story of Water Front:A water purificaton center for the UNSC. now an employee was sent to check "Strange water Readings" these readings contained the "infection". Said employee was infected then turned starting the Bio Terror in the area. Now all other employees need to survive till the any one can rescue them. Estimated time 10 minutes till the Spec Ops arive. were you spawn zombie spawn area mian pipe Water Lock upper pathway upper pathway pt.2 loading area+uper pathway pt.3 dock sorry the piscs are not that big im still new. DOWNLOAD HERE http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=60489560 -----Love.Wolf-----
The pictures aren't at full size, you might want to fix that. When you save the pictures from bungie.net, click on the link to view the picture on its individual web page, then on that page you can click on the picture again and it will give you the options to "Open", "Save", or "Cancel". Click save and the image should be at full size. As for the map, it looks good, but I'd like to see some pictures of gameplay before I download.
Ok i guess... Average not allot of interlocking geomerging timed events, creativity, aesthetics, and what looks like layout are all just ok. Not great not bad.
oh wow this map is pretty original and i especially like the pipe ant the river running throughout the map. i dont see why you need warthogs in this map because it is pretty small i think it will probaly be safer on foot. anyways this is a good map and keep on forgin
I think that its hard to see the map, but from what I can see its pretty good. I like the little pipe thing that has the water going through. It kinda looks like a sewage line. It could use more interlocking, it would make the map look a lot smoother. Also I dont understand why theres a warthog on this map, idk maybe it will make it more interesting since this is infection. overall 3/5 I have the red ring atm on my xbox but once i get it back i will download this ive been wanting to get a infection map started because theres always something crazy going on in those games. Good job.
Yeah, the map looks pretty good, there is quite a few originals in it! Your interlocking is pretty good, from what i can see, and your layout is great. Great job! 3.5/5 =D
i redid almost the whole thing now and made it for all gametypes now i will post it soon. wolf and i are seeing whos version you guys think is better