Dude that is cool, I'm sure that someone could make a cool rube golderg machine using that, but I'm not sure it could be really used any other way that. Unless you are good at aiming grenades...
I saw the boxes but neve realised what they were for. I wonder if it works backwards, easy to get a plasma grenade to the territory,
I cant belive i and clearly many others have never noticed this before. Bungie really hide some stuff well dont they. Not the really important things though:lol::haha:
Lol that sucks how that happened. But its good because now a lot of people know about it and can take advantage of it (some how...). Thanks for posting, I'm going to check it out.
Wow I've never actually noticed that myself, but I do remember somebody talking about it one time. I don't know, I wasn't really listening. Still, that another thing to keep me amused for a while. Nice find!