Mythic DLC Watchtower v2

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by ZaTaisho, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. ZaTaisho

    ZaTaisho Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Taisho, ShadowVanish666

    Map Name:
    Watchtower v2

    Map Canvas:

    Map Size:

    Player Count:
    6 - 16 players

    Supported Gametypes:
    Hold Out v2




    Short Story
    In the year 2650, a top secret Scientific base was infected by experimental life-forms. Many tried to run away, but were infected in the end. There were only a few survivors who managed to escape the base, but was only able to camp out on a watchtower at the front, because there was no escape. Day by day, waves of zombies would come and attack, but for only a limit. Each day, there would always be 5 waves, but each one lasted about 5 minutes. Sure it would seem short at first, but it feels like an eternity.

    Survivors (Tower):If you are a Survivor that has been spawned up in the Watchtower, then your objective should be pretty easy at the beginning, and that is to just keep the zombies away as long as possible. But when the tanks below are gone for good, it tends to get VERY difficult. When this happens, you are to fend off the zombies and protect yourselves while they climb up the watchtower. If you are not careful, then you will just end up like them.

    Survivors (Tank): If you are a Survivor who just spawned falling, then you my friend are a Tank user. Your objective is difficult at the start. You my friend MUST board the Scorpion Tank and defend the other Survivors up on the Tower. You must try not letting the zombies go through the Teleporter! If you are under attack by zombies you can't shoot, then you either shoot the wall behind you, or let your partner in the other tank shoot him off for you. Careful though, once the tanks ar gone, their GONE!

    Zombies: At the start of the game, Zombies will spawn inside the tower on their base. Once 20 seconds has gone by, you are now free to attack at will. Your objective is to, of course, kill all Human Suvivors.

    Well, if you have already seen or played Version 1, then you should already know how to play.

    2 Sniper Rifles (45)
    2 Shotguns (1 shotgun - Never) (1 shotgun - 150sec)
    2 Battle Rifles (30sec)
    1 Regenerator (60sec)
    4 Frags (30sec)
    2 Firebombs (20sec)
    3 Machine Gun Turrets (2 turrets - 150sec)


    Overview v2

    The Watchtower v2

    Zombie Base

    Inside the Zombie Tower

    After 20sec, zombie's escape

    Survivor Spawn (Tower)

    Survivor Spawn (In Tower)

    Overshield Spawn (after 180sec)

    Right-side Ramp

    Left-side Tube cover

    Version 2 Map Changes
    • Snipers spawn shorter (45sec)
    • 1 Shotgun respawn change (150sec)
    • Added Gauss Warthog mid of teleporters (Start: No / Respawn - 180sec)
    • Added 2 Machine Gun Turrets on front corners (Start: No / Respawn - 150sec)
    • More cover on map for Zombies
    • Added Overshield on map
    • Killballs on Map corners
    • Ramps on right-side of Watchtower
    • Changed respawn times on weapons
    Version 2 Gametype Changes
    • Alpha Zombie's health weaker
    • Zombies are faster, weaker health
    • Rounds and Time are longer
    • Custom Power-up effects changed
    Download Map

    Download Gametype

    Thank you for the testers for Version 1
    • Splayzurpwn
    • Demokra w/ Guest
    • xXvalster741Xx w/ Guest
    • Strohly2
    • Snive111
    • TCT Unforgiven
    #1 ZaTaisho, Jul 29, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2009
  2. burnout13245

    burnout13245 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I havent yet played this, but by the looks of it the humans are going to die pretty quickly if the tanks are destroyed. There is good forging on the map. Ill give it a DL 4/5

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