WatchOutAbove By: ShadowFox70 I have made this map in about a hour but I think this is a good map. I also got this idea off of someones post where the zombies fall above you and you have a shot-gun. This is where the defenders spawn Above the defender are the zombies spawn This is the inside overview This is the outside overview Map Variant : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Game Variant : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Edit: Can you put the map variant URL then take it off your file share and then can people still get it to download since I only have 6 slots?
Looks cool. These are a lot of fun. Looks like it took a while because the interlocking is good and its on avalanche. That makes it much harder. Good job. Couldn't be better.
The idea has potential, you jsut executed it in the wrong way. The interlocking is inconsistant, and doesn't look like it took you a great deal of time at all. The spawn points arent organized enatly nd are facing in one direction, so when the zombie spawns at the beggining of the game, can get an easy assasination. Please put more of a detailed description of the gametype, and making the roof a bit higher would help too. You have some serious work to do 2/5
What's up with your pics, how come they have like a white background behind all of them, which takes up more then half the picture? As well on it's easier if you make a new tag set and then add your two files to the tag set. From there you can delete the two files off of your fileshare, and still have them available for download. If you still need help send me a pm, I'll gladly help.
This idea was done before on foundry and Im sorry to say but it was done better there. On that map the zombies spawned away from the roof and it took a couple seconds to get down. There were holes in the roof and it was very unpredictable where they were going to come from. The humans had a little more time to recover in between attacks so it ended up being pretty fair. In yours the zombies spawn directly inside the building and have no choice but to go forward and drop down. The humans have no time to recover and it seems like once there are two zombies the round will end quickly.
I suggest adding at least one other spawn location for the zombies, and possibly adding some features inside the building.