I have decided in honor of the movie, Watchmen, i would make a set of sigs with the characters. So far i have covered about half of the characters. This is the first half: Rorschach: Dr. Manhattan: The Comedian: I tried almost a new style for every one of the sigs. Because of this they didn't all turn out amazing, but i hope to improve on all of the styles.
I like the Dr. Manhattan one with the lightning the most, but they all look good. Good job. Is it alright if I use that one for a different site?
They all look a bit rushed and simpler than anything else I have ever seen you made. Seems like you should focus on one style at a time, instead of several.
You're right. You are using that lighting technique quite a bit. When are you gonna spill the beans? Anyways, top three sigs and bottom one are my favorites. I like the lighting in the third one. The bottom one has good color contrast. The red suits it well. Nice work.
I'll say this: The rorschach sigs look almost exactly like the pics that were used, just lightened, sharpened, and in the first you added text. Because I've seen the pics, thats just what it looks like to me... Although your lightning is always great, I don't totally like in the first Mr. Manhattan pic how he is split in two like that... imo that ruins that sig... The second Manhattan sig is good, but as I look at it more, I like it less. I don't like there: -How dark and plain the sig is everywhere but near him... -How the light practically takes out his right (our way) eye... -How the rain or lines or w/e go through him... In the comedian sigs, I think the first one is mostly good, but plain, idk... nothing to really comment there. The second one is probably my fave out of all of those. Again, not much to say, but that second comedian is my fave out of these...
Yeah, The pictures as they were are amazing already, so it must have been hard to try and improve them. 8.9/10 for all of them.
The first rorschach sig actually has some effects, just look closer. As for the second, i'm surprised you would say that, seeing how that is how you do most of your sigs. Also, the rain effects on Manhattan were already there. The rain was on his face, and i couldn't get rid of it, so, i applied that effect to the whole sig so it balanced. For the split manhattan one, i kind of agree. I was trying to do something similar to Mallet's SOTW entry, but it didn't turn out as good as i hoped.
Personally I like the very first signature up there. While you didn't do tons, it flows really well with the text and the color effects. The rest seem kind of plain to me. They all have the same overbearing color, I think a mix of a few contrasting colors would make them look a lot better. Oh, by the way. When will you be putting of the second set? Because I really enjoyed these and I'd like to see what you do with some other characters.
Are you kidding me. Usually what you do is take a stock, edit lighting, add some effects, sharpen, then add text. Example:
those are 3 sigs, and I actually did a lot more than it looks to the ashes one, so I wouldnt count that. So thats like 2 sigs of mine I did something somewhat like what you did in that rorschach one, in which I think you actually just cropped and posted. The majority of all of my sigs are distorted heavily with small resemblence of their original renders/stocks... so no, that is not 'usually what I do.'
I didn't want to sound offensive, i was just pointing something out, and which rorschach sig are you talking about?
Rorschach Sig 2: Lighting Color Change Displacement Added to the left Blurred Background Added effects around fire Rorschach Sig 1: Text Wisps Line Squares [left and right of the focal] depth added Lighting GREYCstoration Sharpening Text Clipping Mask Good enough for you?