I'm gonna like... preorder that ****. I can't wait for the DVD... and it just came out in theaters lol... I'm going tomorrow... or um, today I guess, to see it again... I can't wait. XD
really though, since tales of the black freighter weren't included in the already long film (smart decision there imo) then they weren't needed. It's cool that they threw them in for a few scenes, but no further depth was needed.
But I wuv teh newsvendor. lol XD One of the best scenes in the film I think, like, best filmed scene, was I think the Keene Act riot where Eddie and Dan jump down from Archie and all... idk I think that was one of the best filmed scenes adapted from the book... just saying.
I really disliked the music.... it felt so disjointed from the rest of the movie. I know there are time when the music being played is meant to be ironic, but it just didn't work in this movie. I was expecting music similar to what was in the trailers, so I was very surprised to hear something different. Did anyone else feel like the sex scene was too much? It didn't seem tasteful to me... more of an excuse to show people having sex than being used as a plot device. Night Owl II was cast perfectly. Per-fect-ly. He was easily the best actor in the bunch.
Yes, but I thought Rorschach was as well... I thought whats his name portraying Kovacs exactly as, at least imo, I saw him in the novel. And yea, I pictured music like in the trailers... not Hallelujah (?) during a sex scene...
The sex scene did seem a bit forced... I mean, it wasn't unbearable, but it was kind of awkwardly funny... especially with the music in the background. Personally, without being considered a rorscach fanboy, I think they cast him perfectly... especially in the last scene. It was priceless.
I came so close to crying. lol, but seriously I did... I tried not to look but the acting and portrayal forced me to...
I thought some of Rorschach's lines felt rushed at times despite the actor playing the part well. I just wish they had slowed things down with him a bit. He seemed like a character that spoke slow but deliberately. They were probably under a time crunch... but an extra minute for dialogue couldn't have hurt.
I specifically felt that Jon was weakest voice-wise... idk, I thought Crudup did good as Dr. Manhattan, but there were times when I felt like his voice was too weak, almost cracking lol, for Dr. Manhattan...
Yeah, he didn't seem as robotic as I thought he was going to be. I was expecting a more monotone voice.
I know. Though the Dr. Manhattan chapter was done incredibly imo. I thought it was just done epically. Oh, characterwise, I wasn't so sure on Laurie... idk, there were times when I thought she was good, but times when I was iffy... and times that seemed corny, like how she rolls out onto the Jail roof, and then how she nods with Dan, simultaneously... idk, it felt somewhat corny, and I didn't love the casting there. It worked though, I guess...
i second Nite Owl II being perfectly cast. i honestly don't have any complaints about the film, aside from nixon's nose. I didn't see anything wrong with the sex scene, maybe i'm just desensitized to the point of not seeing sex scenes as weird or awkward in anyway. lol.
Him and rors were the only ones I felt truly portrayed there parts fully. I liked it. *EDIT* And ffs I watched it expecting Dr. Manhattan's **** to be ****ing huge and obnoxious with all the people complaining about it. But it was a lot like the book, it's just there, not "oh silk spectre and Dr. Man- OMG HUGE BLUE **** CANT WATCH THE MOVIE BLUUUUUUUE ***** WTF IS THAT A ***** YEAH A PPEENEIENIENEINES." ADD mtv generation
I thought the musical selection took away from the experience in a major way. Terrible choice to use songs to support this movie instead of an original score. I'd have to say it is my only complaint. I thought the acting by all was well done and it suited the feel of the graphic novel very well (which, despite being hailed a literary masterpiece, has it's fair share of cornball dialogue). As others have said, the ending stayed very true to the feel of the book and, in all honesty, worked better in the movie than the original would have. I have to say that I was pretty surprised at the lack of turnout for this film. My wife and I went to a 11:40 showing, and there was barely 20 people in the audience. I know it's been getting mixed reviews, but I really don't know what the naysayers were expecting.
Spoiler The point of the ending was the alien was something unknown and frightening that was outside of humanity. It brought everyone together because no-one could be blamed for it, and it was an us verses them sort of world all of a sudden. Dr. Manhatten represented the U.S. to the rest of the world. You're telling me if he had been Russian the U.S. wouldn't blame the country that created, trained and used him as a threat all those years? fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-
The music was excellent imo. The film was made to give you nostalgia of actual things in history, and a lot of the songs played in the movie were mentioned in the graphic novel. It added to the feeling of the time period. Also, the music at times was the only slight relief from the seriousness and darkness of the whole film. and as for the turnout, EVERY imax theater playing watchmen sold out this weekend... also grossed more than the movie 300 and set a record for movie releases in march. I'd say that's pretty damn good. and fbu, **** that quote. lol. manhattan was something misunderstood.
the ending was quite vague, which i really liked. Russia very well could have eventually blamed the US, especially with Rorschach's journal being discovered by the newspaper kid. It really doesn't take away from anything.
Spoiler But the journal was in the actual ending which was fine *EDIT* I mean that it was intended that the truth would surface (maybe) from his journal, not another source (america's raising of dr.)
Having the ending as it was originally written would have made the movie harder for everyone to enjoy. Spoiler From the perspective of an average filmgoer that hasn't read the graphic novel, having a giant alien squid appear and "attack" New York would seem too preposterous even for a comic book movie. Alan Moore was parodying the entire superhero and sci-fi genre buy having that as the "world comes together" moment. From a fanboy's perspective, they would have been enraged that all the other side stories which were clues to what Adrian was planning would have to be cut (and they were) for the sake of time. You'd have to turn Watchmen into a mini-series at HBO or Showtime (which would be ****ing awesome) to keep all that stuff in to make the squid attack work properly. I think Snyder did the best he could even though it's still a flawed film. Reading this, I learned that he fought the studio pretty hard to keep them from totally ****ing this up. It could have easily turned into something like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDDHHrt6l4w&e