You may have noticed the title; "Whats is Up?" in Leet. That is a perfect representation of me, I <3 computers. I am a huge computer nerd and mabey can help you fix some problems. I Live In Airdrie, a little city just north of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I am 13 years old, and my Birthday is on Jan 31. As for Forging, i am semi-good. On a scale of 1 - 10, i am about a 7. I do know how to interlock and Geomerge. My interlocking is great, but my geomerging is Epic Fail (Any tips would be nice!). I have been forging for about 4 months now, and i quite like it. It gives you the ability to put your own ideas to life, which there is nothing better to do than let people play your ideas. I hope i have fun on Forgehub! The community seems really nice! And i am a very nice person. When rating a map, its awlays 2 Pros for 1 con!
Hello Gradex, welcome to Forgehub! Be sure to read over the rules if you haven't already and I hope to see some great maps coming from you! For tips to improve on geomerging, read the tutorials on Forging 101 and you will learn quickly, trust me. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions!
I like your style and concept of imagination. You seem like a nice kid too so that's a bonus. But I'm only 14, so saying you are a kid is kinda wierd... So yeah, read the rules and forging 101 and you should be off into the midst of FH. Yeah, that also sounded wierd, Welcome!