Wasteland Created by Dmm White All Gametypes Supported Unfortunately, human archaeologists did more harm than good to one of Sanghelios' derelict Forerunner structures. _________________________________________________ Since the end of the Covenant, Human-Sangheili relations have improved dramatically. The Sangheili have started to teach Humans more about the galaxy, more about slip space travel and in return the humans help study the many Forerunner artifacts left on Sanghelios. Up until now, the Sangheili were unable to properly use these artifacts because they had thought it heresy to do so as well as never before having a Reclaimer to correctly activate them. However, this Forerunner structure was left nearly untouched. It showed no useful purpose to help win the war against the San 'Shyuum so the Sangheili kept it preserved. Untouched until the Humans were invited to inspect it. Unfortunately, the Sangheili had not maintained the structure, they did not notice it had been becoming weaker over time. Its exterior showed its crumbled surface as it always had, it was the interior that weakened, unseen cavities inside the walls. The Human archaeologists revealed some of the structures secrets but it collapsed before they could uncover any more. The upper level collapsed and the floor caved in. Now the structure is leaking large amounts of energy. The Sangheili have made attempts to store some of the escape energy but still a lot is flowing out. _________________________________________________ Wasteland is a collapsed or destroyed version of Desolation. Originally I wanted to make a map which would be like Desolation, I started by floating boxes a few feet off the ground so I could get a flat surface. The plan was to make a large octagon, each side 2 boxes thick and 2 double boxes wide. My first attempt was using the ramp for each corner, for some reason I just assumed it was 45°. I was wrong. I got 2 sides done a realised I didn't have enough space! My second attempt was with 2 ramps, I just assumed this would be 45°! Wrong again, its actually a bit bigger. Except I only realised this after I had completed 5 1/2 sides. I saw the 2 sides which should have been parallel weren't. I really didn't want to start again, so I decided to make do. The next thing that went wrong (which you can see where there are 2 bridges instead of boxes) was I worked on both sides at the same time, when I got to the end, one side had sloped up, the other had sloped down. Not too good so far. Next step of the plan, make a nice floor at the height of the top of the boxes (using the boxes like scaffolding). Well... the whole thing was a bit bigger than I thought it would be, I didn't have enough objects for the floor and walls! Time for a new plan! I started with the rocket spawn and worked outwards. The whole thing slowly became a destroyed version of Desolation/Derelict. Things that stayed the same: • Grav-Lifts - they must be made from a tougher material, the surrounding area still stands (mostly). • Ramp to second floor - there are still ramps with shotguns on (one has shotgun the other has a mauler) but they are not the tunnels are more, they are made from the collapsed platforms • Rocket Launcher and Sword - roughly the same positions. Getting to the sword is different, you need to go on to the gravlift (energy leak) to get to the platform (all other bridges linking to it have collapsed). Other than that, most of the map is different. It has a Covie/Human weapon layout. Covie side: Mauler, Carbine, Plasma Pistol, Needler Human side: Shotgun, BR, Magnum, 2 SMGs Symmetrical weapons: Brute shot on each side Central Rocket Central Sword Spikers on each side. _________________________________________________ As I slowly ran out of objects I started using different methods of keep people in the map. One of which is the 'energy' 'leaking' from the top of the walls, if you attempt to jump or walk along these walls you'll get blasted off the cliff. Other methods includes lots of walls, boxes and energy blockers. Overview The man cannon platforms by the Red Flag have started to collapse ...while the man cannon platforms by the Blue Flag are mostly fine. This is the Sword Platform, the Rockets are under the gravlift platform. Human ramp - shotgun and 2 SMGs Covie ramp - mauler and needler ZOMG! A Mongoose! Yeah, a mongoose. Vehicles on this map aren't too hard to drive, but it can be awkward. Not really that great for a quick get away. _________________________________________________ Final note, the map actually has filters on. Gloomy and Juicy, it makes it a bit darker but the colours are a bit richer. I was looking at different armour colours, some look really cool. So shiny! Download Wasteland
looks interesting probably more interesting if you used your bridges upside down and interlocked them but hey its not essential nice 3/5
nice map, but i could see problems developing from the way the bridges are placed, try interlocking a wall where there's a gap and where they meet.
Yes it looks like that. Tell me, did you actually download the map and walk out side? I think there are 2 places which you can get out. The first (looking at the first picture) is possibly jumping from the bridge to the tunnel (at the bottom of the pic). The second is from the bridge (top right) to the tunnel (top) and then between the blockers. As for there being no outside barriers. On one side of the map (towards the cliff edge) if you jump off you fall to your death On the other side of the map there are berriers. Download the map and you'll see them
Nice map, could clean up a bit and use more interlocking. Plus it looks like you could easily grenade jump over the walls.
looks good, but looks easy to ge out of, also the bridges look better if you flip them, and interlock a few more things
This is not a shotgun map. Why add them if your not gonna get anyone with them. I played a match in it aready. We simply ignored it and the mauler. Replace them with something that goes better with the map. And there's very little cover in the map. Put more. It was also not very smooth to walk on. It really annoyed me that the map was rushed and not really thought out.