This is map was built around the idea of a ruined and abandoned base. The theme includes water, because I thought it'd be cool to have a half submerged map. I was also going for a slightly asymmetrical feel, while keeping the base-field-base layout. The top is littered with debris and fallen rocks to create and interesting battle field. The lower level is flooded. I had originally made several pitfalls on both levels, but play testers found them very annoying. I patched them up and actually like most of the fix ups betters. I re-uploaded the map to my fileshare today just so I could tweak a few things. Here's some screen shots. They're not the best in the world, but hopefully you get a sense of the map. [Overview - In the cove] [Behind the base - A closer look] [Lower level - some of the flooded tunnels] Comments/questions/queries/quandaries?