Warzone is an MLG map that has MLG standard weopons and spawn times for them. But unlike most MLG maps, this map implors the "horseshoe" of foundry(the area thats always blocked of in every MLG map in matchmaking. Although the horseshoe is open the back hall is sealed of in order to avoid camping. And even if someone could possibaly get in there, well they're dead. MAIN NOTE:IF ANYONE WOULD LIKE TO HELP ME MAKE A V2 FOR THIS, MESSEGE ME OVER XBOX. Weopons on map: 5xBrs 4xCarbines 1xSniper 1xMauler 4xPlasma Grenades 2xFrag Grenades 1xCustom Power-up(MLG gametypes should be used) I'VE GOT PICTURES [COLOR=#00e0]A-spawn[/COLOR] B-spawn Sniper Tower A-combat area B-combat area Top mid/Custom I hope this has shown you in detail my 2nd to newest map. Download below: Halo 3 File Details well I left some alot of the area open this way teams can really work togeth in order to get kills and it's also to insure no camping. And could you also explain wut you mean by 1st off harsh is good. 2nd about 10hrs total time. 3rd thanks for the tips, i'll make sure to remember that next time. Edit:well thnx for the advice.
First! to tell you the truth i dont really like it. too much open space. But the one thing i do like is the part in front of the two rooms.
This is alittle... bland. Sorry to sound harsh but theres really nothing there. And also, This isn't up to MLG standards since there are fusion coils on the map. It looks like this map took you basically 20 minutes. Try adding more levels to the map, with a more complex design. EDIT: and trucks, there arent supposed to be any movable objects unless held down by a weapon holder
It may be openish, but put some barrels, or random scenery for cover spots if you cant think of what to put in the middle. Or try interlocking the map, makes it look alot more pro. Just giving some tips mate, keep it up.
well its up to forgehub standards but not mlg no fusion coils or movable objects unless held down as for gameplay it looks not very coomplex you should add more structures and places to setup at
Meh, I can't really give any good advice for this map, its got nothing going for it except the horseshoe in an MLG map. I don't even feel inspired enough to download and look. Next time, find your niche and base the map around it.
little boring, add more floors/cover and make it less meh (empty), also, almost no one would go to covers, make it worth it (map balance), make a three tall middle wall from the seperating of each base (that middle wall in map geography), and add cooler structures. Forgehub has big competition and if you do something done bad and forged not good enough to make people download just for aesthectics, alomst no one will download
To be honest, this map wouldn't be very good for an MLG game, anyone with a good BR shot can win easily, theres lots of open space. Although i like the idea of opening up the two areas that are usually blocked. If you could interlock more it would make this map a whole lot different. try editing your map and re-post it later in the month with a 'V2'