
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by V, May 24, 2008.

  1. V

    V Ancient
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    EDIT: Ok I know this pisses just about everyone off and I'm sorry but I can't figure out for the life of me how to make these <expletive> pics larger. Any help?
    EDIT2: Yay I got them fixed!! Now I'm going to bed (its 2:45 AM and I have to mow my grandma's lawn in the morning)

    Basically the story behind this map is I was bored and tried my hand at the art of forging (great story huh?). This is my first map made. It's a fairly large sized map on foundry, it's symetrical and it's best suited for no less than 3v3 (doubles and 1-on-1 are possible but may get a little boring. It's playable on team slayer, free for all (not recommended), multi-flag, one-bomb and assault (set the detonation time for immediate explosions trust me), team king of the hill, and flag rally (this can turn into some chaotic fun with large parties). I used some interlocking and the infinite money glitch. This map can be competitive or casual if you're playing the shinobi gametype included. It's possible to get over the wall out of the map but there's a grav lift to help you up to your base and there's nothing out there either so there's no point in getting out.

    Now for the pics (hopefully I do this right)

    A view of Base A:
    Some important things to note: the bomb plant point is inside the fence box and the flag capture/return points are located behind the signs with a brute shot and a territory is sitting under the sniper weapon holder up top.

    A view of Base B:
    Same as Base A. Another thing to note is that both bases house a couple of BRs, carbines, SMGs, spikers, and a needler.

    The middle room (a.k.a. the Ring of Fire):
    You'll find the flamethrower here as well as the firebombs as well as one of the territories AND the whole area is one of the hills. You can also jump from the two side structures onto the top floor if need be.

    The Ring of Fire from one of the ground entrances:
    There's a firebomb in each corner, top floor and bottom floor and the flamethrower sits on the crate. Now many people might think with the shield doors there, that you could camp all day with the flamethrower or a shotgun. Not gonna happen; you're exposed to sniper fire from high ground as well as a well placed sticky grenade (its loads of fun just to aim into the shield room from high ground and watch someone get stuck from the rebounding grenade) if you try to sit inside the shield doors.

    The Splaser and Shotgun structure:
    This is a 4 story structure (you'll get a better view in the next pic) where the shotgun and splaser are located. Also in the side boxes are maulers. The middle box holds a shotty, the second story has plasma grenades, the third story has a turret and a deployable cover and the top floor holds the laser.

    A side view of the same structure:
    You get a better view of the whole structure here. Also there are two hills in this structure. One hill requires you to hold the bottom half of the area while the other one requires you to hold the top half. Also the laser platform is one territory and the whole second story is a territory.

    A front view of the Sword and Shotgun structure:
    This building is accessible from the Ring of Fire and from the side stairs. Theres a shotty in the box under the fence wall, a brute shot and a sword on top flanked by two maulers. There's also a neat little tunnel that runs along the boundary wall under this structure.

    A side view:
    The tunnel I mentioned is the box on the left. You'll find a hill and a territory where the brute shot is as well as a territory inside the middle of the hill. But that's not what makes the tunnel so important......

    The FRG tunnel:
    Yup there's a fuel rod gun sitting right on the territory inside the tunnel. Half the challenge is retrieving the fuel rod gun in one piece but it's definitely worth the risk.

    Now for weapon details:
    Format: Weapon - # on map - spare clips - respawn time
    BR - 4 - 2 - 60
    Carbine - 4 - 2 - 60
    Neddler - 2 - 1 - 30
    SMG - 4 - 2 - 30
    Spiker - 4 - 2 - 30
    Mauler - 4 - 1 - 45
    Shotgun - 2 - 1 - 120
    Sniper - 2 - 1 - 120
    Laser - 1 - 0 - 120
    Fuel Rod Gun - 1 - 1 - 120
    Sword - 1 - 0 - 120
    Flamethrower - 1 - 0 - 120
    Frags - 4 - 0 -10
    Plasmas - 8 - 0 - 20
    Spike Grenades - 4 - 0 - 10
    Firebombs - 8 - 0 - 45

    Download the map http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=32458473

    Also a fun mini game for this map and any other map that I thought about including is the shinobi (ninja) gametype me and my cousin Peanut Patty (aka Cole Train, Autistik Baby, Strke CP) made. You have an infinite sword (dagger or katana w/e) and regenerating grenades (ninja stars). It's 200% speed, 75% gravity so its not too insane and you're kills are scored on level of shinobi-ness (made that up on the spot!). 1 point for a straight p beatdown, 2 if you assasinate them (come on the medal's a freakin ninja),
    and 3 points for a ninja star kill (grenade stick). Also you have poor camo so you can still see them and lock on with your sword but in the heat of battle there's the possibility of completely missing a person if you're not paying attention. Download here http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=32799402

    Well thats it. Hope you enjoy my map. And remember its only my first one.
    #1 V, May 24, 2008
    Last edited: May 24, 2008

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey, there's somethin wrong with ur pics dude
    theyre really small
  3. V

    V Ancient
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    yea i know but for some reason i cant fix em do you know what im doin wrong?
  4. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
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    did you use the Hotlink for forums in line one on ImageShack? i think that's what it's called. read the second post on this forum. see if that helps
  5. Sacred x War

    Sacred x War Ancient
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    Hey welcome! I'm new here too. Just a suggestion for your post. Try to go to photobucket.com and upload your pictures. They turn out nice and don't have and 'resized image' borders.

    Other than that looks like a good map. My first one was posted yesterday. Its in my sig if you're looking for some ideas.
  6. V

    V Ancient
    Senior Member

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    OK i figured out what I did wrong ughhhhh (its freakin 2 am here im doin my best)
  7. eskychess

    eskychess Ancient
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    nice map looks pretty cool
  8. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
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    Please change the map name. I already have a map named Warzone and have had it for a while
  9. Willmatic

    Willmatic Ancient
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    For a map without interlocking, it looks really good
  10. BarkusTheMan 1

    BarkusTheMan 1 Ancient
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    no way this is your first map! this is really good. i think that on all the little bases there is not enough cover, there are like 4 different ways to access each base. but aside from that, this looks expertly build i can't believe it's your first! it looks a lot like it could be a gridlock remake. very nice job, and if this is your first i can't wait to see your future maps.

    dude you can't claim rights to a map name. if this was a complete rip-off and he didn't give you any cred. then that would be a different story. there are tons of same-named maps out there.
    about the above if it's a ForgeHub rule to not name maps the same as others than please excuse but otherwise not.
    #10 BarkusTheMan 1, May 24, 2008
    Last edited: May 24, 2008
  11. kovakelslovak

    kovakelslovak Ancient
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    idk, but why would anyone ever take the maulers, when a shotty is right in the center.
  12. V

    V Ancient
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    Wow thanks I didn't think nearly as much of it. I'll try to add more cover for buildings on my next map. The only thing is though for buildings like the sword one and the ring of fire, you kinda need to be closer, if not in the base to get a good aim on most of the structure and the laser building forces you to use high ground to your advantage. It's not too open when you play it trust me.

    I had a little interlocking in there but I started it when I had no idea about interlocking or any glitches for that matter. I made this map like a week after fouindry became downloadable then redid some stuff when I got around to deciding to post it on here.

    Well for one the maulers respawn almost 3x quicker than a shotty and they do pretty much the same damage as a shotty when put to good use. And the maulers are near the sword, a nice backup weapon if you see someone running around with a shotgun, and on the way to the laser to help you take out anyone going for the laser as well.
    #12 V, May 24, 2008
    Last edited: May 24, 2008
  13. a-groeper

    a-groeper Ancient
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    You demonstrate suberb control as a mapmaker here. Instead of relying soley on terrain to regulate the flow of gameplay, you use respawn times of weapons to acheive the same end. Normally, this kind of map would be dominated by BR's and carbines.
  14. Supreme321

    Supreme321 Ancient
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    Yay - htism pa is good for weapons and is big but, so small for sniper like the guy abovem me said and thism ap is good without interlocking- also you should mabey make a secound one of htese becasue this seems like a rwealy good map but, I kmow you can make a better one - I'm not saying this isn;t bad - keep forging!!!!
  15. Boydeh ..

    Boydeh .. Ancient
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    This looks great!
    i'm glad you enlarged the pics to show such a great map :)
  16. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    nice map nice to see no space used but i would like to see it being played in the game please
  17. Chong

    Chong Ancient
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    I think that this may MAY (IMO) focus to heavily on asctetics, but everything looks really good, it shows when you put time into a peice, and it really lookks like you did here.
  18. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
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    nice job, keep it up. I like the open ceilings and what not to try to eliminate camping. but people always find a way to camp, but at least there are precautions in place. again, nice work
  19. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    This map looks like it took a tremendous amount of time and thought, it looks veary clean from the screens, and it looks to be terrificle fun. Good job, I hope your map turns out to be a veary succesful one.
  20. underground867

    underground867 Ancient
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    sweet map, perfect for fun and carnage, i would definetily download it if i had the chance :)

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