A remake of my map, Warzone, but with interlocking. This map is ideal for 2-4 player games of slayer and works best with Slayer. There are a variety of things in this map. A "fountain" filled with fusion coils is located in the center of the map and that is where the rocket launcher spawns, making a rush for the rockets very risky. There is also a hidden flamethrower which is located in a semi secret entrance to one of the bases. A lone turret watches over the map and it can either dominate the map, or become a deathtrap for all who operate it. Pictures: The sniper base. The Turret Base. The Hidden Flamethrower. The "Fountain" and rocket launcher spawn. The Shotgun Spawn. An overview of the map. [URL="http://imageshack.us"][IMG]http://img71.imageshack.us/img71/5724/46419471mediumxf9.jpg A second overview. Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing - A link to the file. Ratings and advice are always welcome as well as new map ideas. Enjoy. *Edit-Pictures are larger now. The "Fountain" has been redesigned. The crates no longer move and it looks better. More options for cover have been added and the Spartan laser and Mauler have been removed. The file has been updated.
You probably took the thumbnails of your pics. Double click the screenshot and you'll get the larger view to save to desktop. Then just upload again and embed on here
heyy,you fixed the picture, there alot better now, about the map, i cant see very much, an overview picture would do wonders =D
looking good fella... i mean teh maps.. but yeah 8/10. good that you went back and fixed your old map... something i should get around too.
this is areally cool map i would only add a few more pics of the map cause i havn't seen enought of the map
That's quite a few power weapons, plus with a Sniper tower and quite a lot of open space this could be a fairly unbalanced map.
Ive been thinking about good cover options and taking the laser out. The flamethrower and turret can easily be killed, and if I add more cover, the sniper would be harder to dominate with. And Im thinking about removing the mauler in the turret base and keep the shotgun.
Not bad It's not bad but i think it stills needs work. Sorry, it's very good but i think you should probally make the crates sourrounding the fountain not moveable and also use stairs instead of doors to get to the turret and maybe take out a few power weapons. But i do like the fountains idea and also how original and good this map is. Looks great for FFA.
Im thinking of a good way to implement stairs instead of the doors. The crates are immovable, the mauler and spartan laser have been removed.