Warthog Rally These 3 maps are used for screwing around on. Play them in forge. There isn't a gametype. Maps have man cannons and grav lifts. Play with up to 6 people. Don't use turrets. Just ram the other people. A few of my friends like the maps because there so random. Its a good time consumer. The reason I made these maps is because back in Halo 1, me and my brother would go to Blood Gulch and grab the warthogs and ram each other. We tried in Halo 2 but it wasn't as fun. It has returned to Halo 3. Foundry Warthog Rally This warehouse rally is the first of the 3. It very common to ram into the walls and flip over. It is not common to have many grav combos. Grav combos are when you fly into the air by gravity then when you land you hit another grav lift or man cannon. Picture Time Overview of map Ramming a wall http://www.forgehub.com/forum/[URL="http://[/IMG"] [URL="http://BoxHogs"]BoxHogs[/URL] This map is kinda like the first but its bigger and its on the ground floor of Sandbox. All the same rules apply. I not sure about grav combos on this map. Don't drive into the killballs, although it is fun. Don't drive out of bounds. Pics [IMG]http://haloscreenshots.net/cache/medium/612B43A1BAECDC640C602CB4C925895E.jpg[/URL][/IMG] Overview of map Flying through the air Skyhogs This one is on sanbox in a sky arena. This one took me the longest to make. Sometimes you fly out of the arena by gravity, its funny though. I have killballs and energy doors to help prevent falling out of the arena, it still happens. The killballs don't really help falling out of the arena. All the same rules. Also you fall into the map from floating platforms. Last of the pictures Overview of map This sometimes happens I hope you guys like these maps. One of the pictures worked. All the others didn't. I would like to say this: photobucket and haloscreenshots suck. I tried both and neither work except 1 of them
how to put pics on your map 1/make a photobucket account 2/ save the pics you want upload them to photobucket 3/go to forge hub 4/ when you are posting put your pics in the link slot, but to do this copy and pastse the pics to the website 5/ enjoy
Pictures do not work, you need to embed them. Go here and type in your GT, then choose your shots and copy the ForgeHub code. http://www.haloscreenshots.net/
The pics are fine on my computer. I'll try the halo screenshots though so you guys can see them. Maverick, thats what I did to post the screenshots