So which warthog would work best in an infection game (just assume that the zombies have default health like they do in regular infection)? Please answer the poll and post what you think.
Well for me I would prefer the mongoose above the other choices. Mostly because warthogs would seem overpowered unless you had it to where the couldn't use the turret. The mongoose will provide speed but also leave the humans more vulnerable to attack (which i think is kind of a good thing). Plus you could still splatter with a mongoose but with a little more effort. So ya, I think a mongoose would be a better choice, mostly because of their size and difference in protection than a warthog would provide, given you WANT the humans to be more vulnerable. Just my two cents
Yeah, a Default Warthog will kill in about a second, a Gauss Hog kills instantly, and a Rocket Hog has large splash damage. The only logical choice would be the mongoose.
I have to say that while the gausshog kills instantly you can only pull off one shot at a time making it easier for you to be swarmed (in a large party). also it overheats faster I believe. However I have to say that a mongoose is good for infection too (I only put it in the post because I didn't want a million people saying 'none').
Yes, you said, you're map/game isn't run-of-the-mill infection. I wanna play it XD I also vote mongoose, all of my reasons were already posted above lol. That and the mongoose is pro.
Gauss Hogs don't overheat. And they shoot fast enough to take out a swarm. And splash damage. And splattering. And unlimited ammo. And **** Gauss Hogs. Vehicles just don't work too well on reguler Infection maps.
Screw the turret. If it's normal zombies with no shields and just a sword I'll survive all day without a gunner. side-splatters ftw. If that didn't make it clear I think warthogs are overpowering in infection.
Well you might end up dead in my gametypes as I usually give my zombies a plasma pistol as a secondary weapon. Now here is a question I would like to ask. Could a zombie hijack kill and person from a vehicle even if he can't ride it? If so then the chances could be more evened out for the zombies. Just a thought.
i mean if when i see mongeese in infection i'm like "oh hey look a mongoose" and walk away. frankly the slow start is enough to get you killed. as for the warthogs (any of them really), they can just be taken to a secluded area or block off a hallway. the point is people WILL camp like ass holes with them. i'm gonna go with none of the above because the default infection settings suck and don't deserve vehicles of any kind.
Rockets are hard to aim but the splash is insane. Gaussie is constant-OSK and goes through walls. Normal turret will rarely overheat in a practical situation. It's extremely difficult to balance vehicles in general in Infection. Then again, if the map is open enough to actually be able to maneuver a Warthog on a useful, non-predictable path, then you're probably going to have other issues (Magnum) anyway.