Hey all, these are my first two posted screenshots so I hope you like them and any advice would be great. Warthog I made this one a while ago and thought it was pretty cool. I Give Up I saw a similar screenshot on my gallery and decided to re-do it and add some filters. I called it "I Give Up" because it made me think of a Spartan sick of the war and killing himself I actually have a slightly different version of this screenshot with a different angle, etc. so if you'd like to see that I'll put it up. Thanks again and remember, these are my first two posted ones so go easy ;D
Theire is no need for you to say to be nice, we are going to be anway because these are sensational screenshots, i love the warthog one how did you do it may I ask, and could I have permission to copy your idea for one of mine?
Thank you! The warthog one was done from inside a frag grenade while the hog was doing a power slide and yeah you can copy the idea, as long as it's not too similar.
Wow!I just sat there looking at the hog one and was trying to think how you did it there amazing!wow!
Thanks, I'm glad my screenshots are getting a good reception The hog one was done with a frag grenade and a power slide.
Yeah, the warthog one is great! I love the dirt coming off it's wheels, and the frag grenade effect actually looks good here! The second one is pretty cool too, Is he on a hornet? Because I couldn't tell. I like all the effects on this one, and how he's looking straight down.
Thanks, yeah the dirt does add a lot to it ;D Yes it is a hornet, I have another version of that picture, but I thought that one was better, although that may be because I knew it was a hornet beforehand. Better? Worse?
Wow these are your first screenshots posted?!? Dude I don't think these are bad at all they are fabulous! My screenshots suck compared to all of the ones I've seen! 5/5 on both!
Yeah, same. Thanks a lot man! I've got more to post so hopefully they'll do well also. ;D Thanks, the dirt does make the picture so much better IMO.
I think you are wise, yes very wise you have the mind ability of me.. almost. Anyways yeh great screenies! That rhymes with meanies and peepies!!
I really think that those smoky black and white Screenshots, are to overlooked. All you're doing is looking a certain direction and the Game effect is doing all the work.