Is anyone else aware of/as psyched for this game as I am? If your answer to the first question is no, here's some information. Videos always go down well: A developer introduction: YouTube - Warsoup - First Introduction An interview with Thomas Mahler on MLG's OSR: YouTube - Thomas Mahler Interview - Old Spice Report Episode 16 A little more on the art style (yes, this guy is very odd...): YouTube - Welcome to Warsoup! To address a couple of things shown in those videos, the red boxes you see all over the place are (as mentioned in the annotations) simply a placeholder to represent enemy units and structures. Don't worry, you won't spend most of the game shooting at inanimate red boxes. Also, in the OSR gameplay you may notice that it says "5 kill streak: Press -> for Care Package", but according to comments from Mahler himself they've basically abandoned the idea of killstreaks since they proved too hard to balance. You can check out the official forums here, and doing so will (hopefully) leave you in as much awe of Mahler and the approach him/Moon are taking to this game as I am. But as far as specific threads go, this one is a great overview of key points for understanding the game at one end of the spectrum, and at the other end this one gives an insight in to how they seem to be approaching the wider game making process and even their place within the industry. Seeing this kind of approach is very refreshing, especially when put alongside how community focused Mahler seems to be going with this project. He talks about feedback and balance like you wouldn't believe, and if you browse around the forums you can see him not only taking note of community suggestions, but responding to them and engaging in discussion in a very active way. As an independent studio, Moon are well placed to realise this passion for community engagement without having to report to a publisher in the same way as other devs. If they can actually pull this off even half as well as some of the ideas suggest (don't worry, he's not a Molyneux, he constantly acknowledges that many of the things he says are ideas, possibilities, and things to be toyed with, instead of promising things that will never happen) then we'll be in for a treat. In short, the developer attitude seems fantastic, have a poke around the forums to get more of a feel for it and I think you'll agree. I've been anticipating this game for a while but I only just found the forums yesterday, what I've seen in that short time has already gotten me even more psyched. As far as credentials go, Mahler was (as mentioned in the OSR video) one of the guys who worked on Starcraft II, as was one of the other developers at Moon (though I'm not sure if that was Gennadiy Korol or not). It seems like they're drawing a lot from classic competitive titles like Halo CE, Shadowrun and Starcraft when weighing up how this will work, so if you've got an interest in competitive gaming either on the PC or consoles (this will be cross platform and even play in browsers on PC!) then you should definitely take some time out once in a while to look in on the development of this game. It has the potential to be utterly brilliant, and I for one cannot wait for the promised closed beta and further announcements for things like release date.