hello and welcome to one of my newest maps!i ve actually been along time here but never posted a good thread or map anyways now that i ve learnt how to post pics i can finally show you one old maps ive made along time ago plus i used the qript quarter canvas i dont remember the guy who made it. but thank him for the wall you´ll all recently see lots of maps made by me so get prepared!and now what everyone was waiting for,the screenies! overview of red base overbiew of blue base middle better view of blue base better view of red base and thats all folks ps: this map is really old and know i have better skills i think.... Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Blue base is way stronger than red base, the turret is elevated and it is more impenetrable. How long did this map take you to make?
I really suggest ditching this map and thread and making something entirely new and playable. Also try to make your post more profesional next time. Too small and open for a ghost One sided Escapable Typos Lack of overview Pointless stuff everywhere Sloppy forging