Foundry Warhouse

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by 138151337, May 10, 2009.

  1. 138151337

    138151337 Ancient
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    by x Nerf the GOP (138151337)


    Welcome to Warhouse. Once just a boring, cluttered warehouse, the trigger-happy elevator operators re-arranged some boxes and dropped an 'e' for some action.​

    DISCLAIMER: This is my first Forged map and I'm no experienced Forger,
    but I did what I could. This map was not planned out; I just made it up
    as I went along. And last, and perhaps most importantly, I really do hate
    Forge. The rotating is wacky and you NEVER put physics in an editor
    (or at least you make them optional).

    Warhouse makes use of all of Forge, starting with spawns in the Hallways. From spawn you can leave through the shielded doors or use the teleporter to quickly skip to the back of the map. Snipers spawn on the sides of the map while a Custom Power-up, 2 Firebombs, a Needler, a Shotgun, and a Fuel Rod Cannon can all be found at the center. In the back corners are Machine Gun Turrets, and in between them is a long tunnel housing the Mauler and a high-perched but semi-vulnerable platform. Aside from that, the pictures really say it all. =]​

    As far as game types go, 4-8 player Team Slayer is what I would go for. Capture the Flag . . . probably sucks. KotH and Oddball should work. I really haven't got to test this map at all, so I guess just leave your feedback about what types play well (if any) and which don't.​

    The spawn hallway.​

    The center ground level intersection of tunnels where the Shotgun is found.​

    Custom Spawn.​

    Shotgun Tunnels and Fuel Rod Spawn.​

    Mauler Tunnel, Sniper Perch, and a Turret in the background.​


    Download Warhouse

    Constructive criticism is welcome and appreciated. I intend on taking what I learn here and dedicating some more time to Forging.​
  2. Canadians360

    Canadians360 Ancient
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    Well if this is your first map might i say you have done a fairly good job. I think i see a little interlocking in the bridges so not bad. One recommendation I usually would give to someone in your situation would be to flip the bridges over and sink them into the boxes so they don't sit on top creating a bump each time you walk over them, for a smoother walk. You might also want to brace the barell over the shotgun tunnel with a weapon holder so it wont fall down forcing people to crouch jump over to get through the hallway. I think your weapon choices like thermal grenades and fuel rod might get a few complaints but they are placed fairly well in my opinion. I would also add a weapons list to your post. I am glad to see you put fusion coils behind the turret towers though. Overall nice first post. Keep forging.

    Edit: You might want to get a bubble shield in your map instead of radar jammer and flare, I find if both exist on a mid size map like this the flow of play gets a little messed up since a third of the playtime people can't see or have a worthless radar. And you might want to take out a few fusion coils you have lots of explosives on your map. I would recommend loosing the ones next to the wire spools since when hopping up the players are already vulnerable.

    Also I would switch the one open double box in the shotgun hallway on the A + B sign side with a closed box. With 4 hallways the shotgun guy could camp in their forever if there were only three it would be much better.
    #2 Canadians360, May 10, 2009
    Last edited: May 10, 2009
  3. 138151337

    138151337 Ancient
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    Thank you for the analysis and the suggestions!

    Past the Shotgun Tunnel, right in between the 'A' and 'B' signs there is a Bubble Shield, but I guess it is kind of poorly placed. I'll be sure to move it. =]

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