K firstly i wasnt sure where to post this. I want the idea behind this map given the thumbs up or down before i go interlocking everything and escape proofing it. I didnt put it in casual maps becaue i figure thats only for finished maps ready to download. This is Wargames Its WAS a cops and robbers type map built for tactical( SWAT as some of you call it) capture the flag gametypes. It has changed alot sinc ei thought of it Players will spawn in their flag room take a teleporter to the battleground. The "Jail" is a fence box that long as there is an attending defender can be blocked using a grav lift equipment. The main battlegorund part has plenty of walls as cover like training grounds does and there are two supply points either side that will provide ammo to those that survive. To save captured men you must get to the other teams base and blow up the grav lift to lower the dumpster and unblock the door. Pictures to follow form the almost finished map spawning room jails jails when sealed one of the supply points overview of the battleground done on paint for simplicity the picture is not to scale there is penty of room to move and take cover when its done itll work for a tacticak bomb and the jails will be disabled for team slayer so itll work similarly to training grounds but with jails for objective gametypes I took it off my fileshare due to it being terribleThe new interlocked escape proofed awesomness pooping one will be put into competitive maps once its done Read down if your interested in what ive come up with EDIT: the version that is on my xbox is curently being sorted for territories,CTF,Bomb,KOTH and team slayer also and should be ready to be tested and properly posted maybe by the weekend if im not too lazy. The version Published atm however is only fit for CTF and is only there to show what the map looks like EDIT:yeah the weekend probly wont happen but ill post it when i can Also gonna fit it for infection later.maybe have the zombies spawn at one side after a minute to allow the human to prepare. then they have to hold them back as they bottleneck at the entrance Might call it frontier or something
I don't think I understand.Do you have to have somebody to attend the jail and keep throughing gravlifts?If you don't want that just have a scenery grav lift that spwans every ten seconds.
not so much they have to stay there the whole time since the grav lifts stay there for around 30 seconds.the mpa is small enough so that the games are fast and the guard would be able to take part in the fighting anyway. Besides in most well played CTF games someone usually stays to guard the flag and the jail is across the hall from the teleporter to the flag room. Iknow about scenery grav lifts i just thought that this might separate Wargames fomr say cell block 42b in that if the other team is careless they can have a jailbreak on their hands
quick question ... is the name a reference to the movie? The word movie above is a link to the imdb page on the move. And this text that you're reading now is, as well.
theres a movie?lol that answers that. Nah i just called it wargames because its gonna have all SWAT type games in it so you can see it as a military training exercise i dunno how you would make a map to do with that movie...(i looked at the plot on wikipedia :S) Also something id like some advice on. Should i make the outer ring out of open double boxes? This means there would be another route and make the map a good bit bigger....however it would be hard to but cover in the tunnel as is necessary for tactical games. What do you guys think?
Alright ive now made a promise to myself to finish this map by the time my easter holidays finsih. I'm pretty sure ill have to start again with the pre glitched foundry map(the power canvas) which basically means i have to outright dump my "prototype" and start again meaning i can add that tunnel i mentioned also if anyone could offer some advice on how to escape proof the map as ill probly run out of boxes and walls with the structure of it maybe with crats and teleporters/weapon holders :S OR if you guys think gravity wouldnt make much of an effect on a swat gaetype i could simly do that Keeping in mind in a swat gametype grenade jumping will kill you Also thanks to Unleash mayhem i know a way to make the VIP spawn in a place other than the rest of his team (im sure someone may have thought of it before but he showed me so i give him credit) Meaning i can make a gametype where one team tries to rescue their VIP and escort him to safety to earn points Would like to know if people would play such a gametype or else think its just stupid and a wate of time to implement Pretty sure everyhing else about this map has already been mentioned by me
Mkay just realised ive posted on this myself more than everyone else combined so ill start answering anything here so im not bumping Basically the simple Q's i want people to answer are Would the tunnel around be good?Considering there would be much less cover in there than other places? Should i add any equipment?For exampleDeplyable cover since the bomb plant point is completely out in the open. Would you guys play a search and recue style gametype?It involves spawn blocking and other stuff i didnt COMPLETELY understand when mayhem explained it to me Does anyone have good experience "escape proofing" their maps and maybe could link a thread with good ways to do it etc. Does anyone actually like the idea of having to have a "jail warden" to keep the jails from opening? Will i let people always have plenty of ammo or make holding the supply points a nessecity(in effect itd be like having terrritories at the same time as whatever other gametype you have on)? UPDATE: The new map ive made while still being the same shape/concept is almost completely different and much much better) Its two entrances are like training grounds with the walls in the small form of placement, Supply points one in every corner of the main battlefield i have yet to decide how much weapons will be in eahc The tunnel i mentioned is implemented interlocked and looking good It has an second level catwalk to allow a person a vantage point but not two good that he'll headshot everyone on the map The downstairs is mostly finished the upstairs is ready and im escape proofing the main battelfield Just the base hall and jail to go along with weapons spawn points and goal objects At each of the supply points i want to put a less than typical item for SWAT my current ideas are >A custom power up that gives you shields for 1 minute or so(bub avergae shields btw) >deployable cover (will be almost necessary for the bomb variant as the plant point will be out in the open) >Spike grenades(as these grenades do the least "splash" damage,meaning you will have to stick someone or the exact pice of furniture behind them >cloaking?(a bit powerful on this map imo) >what else? As you can see ive reframed form using anything with splash dmg or an area of effect as this would be too finicky in the close quarters map. How would i place them if each supply point is in a "corner" of the circular arena to keep it balanced? What else could i use as a "tactical advantage" How long should the respawn be? Itd have to be long so that holding the supply points not just cruising in at the right time would get the item