Warface GDC Class Trailer 2012 - YouTube Warface gameplay trailer - YouTube Some of you may have heard of it, some of you may not have. But this game is looking pretty damn sweet, and it seems to have been in development for quite a while. The best part about this game, however, is it's completely free. There's a beta sign-up on the website where you can reserve your nickname and get updates etc, and a trailer/images of the game with some other relevant information. When it is being released exactly I do not know, but it will be sometime this year. I for one am very interested in it, and I'm not that big on squad based shooters like this, but my interest it has piqued, indeed. Did I mention it's going to be free? Oh, also, here's an IGN article about it.
Looks interesting. I wonder how big a part the mechs will play. Too bad I don't have an adequate computer...
Apparently just about any computer can play it, but I'd wait out for the minimum specs before I commit to it whole-heartedly.
It seems pretty cool, but for some reason the first vid isn't working and says that the video is private...