Hello there! With Halo 4 being a month old and having finished the game and played my share of multiplayer I thought I'd head to the place where I spent most of my time on Halo 3 and Halo Reach which is of course Forge! Now I'm relatively new to posting, as this is my first actual thread on Forgehub, but I've lurked the website for a couple of years now. On to the map! The name of the map is Warden - A name I chose because the map was inspired by Halo 3's Guardian so much so in fact that I wanted it to have a very similar map flow, but still moving things around and changing them enough to make it different. I've spent a decent amount of time on this map (Probably close to about 15-20 hours) and luckily haven't ran in to many problems regarding broken lighting or the 1 degree glitch. The map itself has 2 levels with a decent amount of space in between the levels and many ways between different areas of the map, a near-perfect grav lift, mancannons, ample cover and lots of movement choices. While creating it I stuck to my "Always have multiple ways into every space" rule which has worked nicely because there didn't seem to be a whole lot of bottlenecking going on whilst my friends and I had a few bouts on a very early version. Any way. The map isn't 100% finished yet as I need to finalize spawns, fiddle with my budget and add more cover here and there and add suitable weapons, but I'd love to know what you guys think so far. And I'll be uploading to my file share if I manage to finish at some point today. Overview 1 Overview 2 Misc screens
I actually like the look of this. I is reminiscent of guardian but not enough to be called a complete remake.
Yeah, that's what I was going for, I've also tried to make sure I add proper cover here and there that fits because the map can be very open at times. But while playing a bit we were never too far away from cover in most places.