OK, this is the second map I've posted....anyway this is a forge map I made a long time ago, when Halo 3 just came out. It's a Valhalla built on the basis of Human vs Covenant.The Humans get the beach side base and the crashed pelican, and the Covenant get the mountain side base and the hill where a mongoose normally is. I have two game types to go with it. A Team Slayer of the same name, and a Team CTF called Anti-Grav Flag, which is a hit among all my friends.....also, both are best played with about 4-12 people, but Anti-Grav Flag is good with just 4. Also, each base comes with a warp point inside it. Anyway, screenshots! To download War in the Canyon map. To Download War in the Canyon game To Download The Anti-Grav Flag game
I know a friend who would love the idea of have a Covenant vs. Human arrangement. I must say Valhalla is an extremely hard map to forge when trying to make something thats creative or stands out. With that big budget of your though you should add some more scenery to make the map stand out. On the bright side though, this is a good concept.
Yeah, but you don't get too many Covenant items, so I wasn't able to do everything I would have liked, but it still came out well.