War Hog

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mr Lucifer Morningstar, Mar 23, 2009.

  1. Mr Lucifer Morningstar

    Senior Member

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    Ok, so I'm working on a concept for a Warthog-only map that I'm going to call War Hogs. I don't have the mythic maps yet, so this is just design and brainstorming. It's not a HDD map, not even close. It's more like..Team Warthogs, I guess is one way to put it. The layout is a mix between Valhalla and Standoff, with some of my own original ideas thrown in too.

    So far the most complicated factor is the floting base idea I have (the attackers base in objective type games). Where there are two bases suspened in the air and a warthog suspended in the base, above a "drop chute" using grav lifts. The gunner would shoot a fusion coil that would trigger a chain-reaction of fusion coils that break the grav lift and drop the warthog through the chute onto a ramp below. This would eleiminate most, if not all, spawn killing, prevent the driver to leave without a gunner and it just look friggin awesome. Unfortunately, due to lack of resorces, I can only do this once, luckily, I have though of another way to drop a warthog, you use the same mechanism in goutnuts420's mongoose base,where the dumpster pushes the mongoose, in theis case the warthog, up to another level, except in this case it would lift the warthog in two mancannons that would perpell it out of the top of the base onto to a ramp connected to the base tha look like a leg, sorta. I would have a grav lift pointing down to keep the dumpster from shooting up unwillingly and another series of fusion coils and propane tanks to destroy the grav lift and release the dumster. My only fear is that there is no dumpster or something close like crate, etc. on Sandbox. And last instead of a another warthog like planed, I decided to add a mogoose, and who ever rides passenger on the mongoose gets laser and rokets.

    Since I can only make one floating base, the other will have to be in the dunes, with the turrets on (this is the deffenders base)!!!! No need to panic, the base will be fullly sheltered so the evil beams wont be ablde to kill you, i hope. The base will be simple and it will have a couple tunnels leading to the battle feild.

    Player traits: low speed and gravity, to prevent people from just running around the map. Slightly higher damage to destroy warthogs a little quicker, and everyone gets plasma pistols, so if you ride in passenger seat you can try to stall enemy warthogs (maybe not, still not sure).

    Game types: Team Warthogs, which is a slayer varient. Hog Ball, odd ball varient, would seem very fun (one person grbbs ball and sits passenger seat, while driver and gunner try to evdae other team). Flag Hogging and Hog Assault, one sided team objection varients (where the attackers start out with the falg or bomb and try to plant in on top of the other teams base). Hog Race, Varient of rocket race. My game types are soooo original in name XP.

    Anyway, if you have any suggestions or comments, advice or critisism, opinions or toughts, please share. I don't really hate spam, like if you say "awesome" or "sucks" so you can do that unless the sight prohibits it. Just don't get carried away and say stuff like, "kjghdfkasjgfv" thats BAD.
    I'm not sure if I posted this in the right place or not, but what ever, if I did I'll see if I can move it.
    I have drawn sketches but my scanner isn't working and we dont have a digital camra yet >.< if you really want to see them, I can have a friend upload them and then i'll send it to you.

    Ok got, to work with paint, unfortiantly, I suck XP but heres three concepts:

    Hog Drop I
    the shaded part beneth the hog is the opening in the floor.

    Hog Drop II
    the shaded part beneth the floor represents a solid box.

    Base, profile view
    the mogoose is inside the "leg" and exits through the bottom, but humans can't get in.
  2. iRaynne

    iRaynne Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The Hog Drop II looks really innovative; that would be one hell of a switch. Is it guaranteed that the propane tanks trigger eachother off though?
  3. Mr Lucifer Morningstar

    Senior Member

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    they work on foundry, but I don't think that they have propane tanks on Sandbox (correct me if I'm wrong) so I would just have to place more funsion coils >.<
  4. Big Maxy 117

    Big Maxy 117 Ancient
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    You could just use a wire switch to make the dumpster go up, and it would probably be quite easy to make, just use a couple of antennas. Also the idea for the map sounds really cool, but you'd definitely have to put some interesting features and cover in the center to keep it interesting.

    I look forward to seeing this level when you (and me =)) get the maps.
  5. Mr Lucifer Morningstar

    Senior Member

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    thanks, I totaly forgot about the radio antennas XP I have some layouts but I don't think the obejects are to porportion :( hopfully when I get the maps I be able to get the layout correct, and since the maps don't come out till after spring break I might make a practice map on avalanche!

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