I have been reciently seeing a unique variety of awsome gameplay reworks on the origional bungie maps. I keep thinking to myself these guys are competitive gameplay Guru's. Look at all these new elements they have added to a completely war torn and once stagnent experience. They are quietely completely reviving the classics with amazing new angles at gameplay, awakening an entire new experiences on the maps. I have a small project that I and some friends have been working on, on and off for over 6 months. this will be the 4th and final addition to the BluEliteSpecials. They include the maps Collision, BluEliteSpecial template, Transfusion and Transfusion Type AB positive. The once dark dreery land scape is being completely reversed in a breathtaking manner thanks to Blazing nites fx mixture. It now appears to have a photo negative quality hence the name. I wish pictures could do it justice. Any ways we were pretty straight foward with the presentation for AB+. It plays awsome and every thing is where it belongs competitively, with the gametypes we used which are TM multiflag, TM Slayer, TM KOTH, and free for all oddball. But we kept hitting the map max item limit so we left it at that, and held back the release of Type O-. Since we have already covered the basics. We feel that Transfusion Type O- is a completely unique map, and are currently looking for some one with a creative mind, and unique style to create new gameplay and gametypes for the Last and hopefully Best version. We will be offering open access to every movable object not directly related to the main structure. The only payment we can provide is full acknowlegment in the credits, a mention like " brought to you by", and a short bio. You will also have full rights to publicly and privately display, any and all of your contributions in any manner you see fit. That the reward of knowing you helped make something great and the praise of some Diehard Halo fans . There are multiple ways to apply if you are intrested. You can use this thread, pm me here, or send me a message on XBL GT. Public Servent. Thank you for taking the time to read this we are looking foward to your new iterations. This is the link to the map you would be working on before the FX were added. Transfusion Type AB+