Want to make a forge map for your friends over Xbox Live? Here's one!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by XXWeaponXX7, Mar 30, 2012.

  1. XXWeaponXX7

    XXWeaponXX7 Forerunner

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    What i want to show you guys, is Wander. Wander, is centered around a very, very large map, and 8 players divided evenly on 2 teams. (Or, for that matter, any 2 even teams.) Each player, has but one life, and their goal is to bring their team to victory by eliminating everybody on the other team. However, you do not start out with weaponry or armor abilities, and both are commodities that are spread out through the map, to be found and rationed out to your team. You, as well, start out with triple shields, though you cannot recharge them in any way, making every fall, explosion, or gunshot more and more threatening.

    I've created a few maps based on this idea, and here are some of the bases. I must say, they are a blast at parties in which there are 2 screens, 2 Xboxes, 8 people, and a system link. =)

    *A group of under-armed Spartans are within a large forerunner complex under the Island portion of forge-world, and must defend 2 objectives, one that must be taken away, and one that must be held by the opposing team for a game-win. Once again, once you die, you cannot respawn, and weaponry can be found all throughout the small complex, if you can take the time to find them.

    The opposing team, the reds, halo a bit more at their disposal, with a falcon to aid with extraction. However, they must find their weaponry within the complex as well. (As you can likely tell, this is a large complex, spanning about half the length of Blood-Gulch, and the entire width worth's of corridor combat. Sure, only parts of it break free of the corridor formula, but it's fun for a much more tactical and critical approach.

    *There are 4 teams of 2. each team member spawns on a separate part of othe entirety of forge world. They must find ammunition scattered around the world, and use it to defeat the enemy teams, eventually becoming the last ones alive. This is different from the original, in that shields are much weaker.

    I ask that you post your own ideas with this gametype! Or, at least, try it out!
  2. Auburn

    Auburn a dope soul
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The idea of trying to bring a "real life" feel into Halo is great. It reminds me of good ol' old school mode in COD4. There are some issues in my opinion, though.

    Having a map spread across forgeworld isn't a good idea. It would be a hastle trying to get where you want to go over it's large expance and you won't have enough budget to make a detailed structure. The player should feel like he is in a certain place, but because most of the map would have to be forgeworld geometry it would be very hard, if at all possible, to achieve. I would recommend limiting it to just a stretch of forgeworld like the gulch or the island. Maybe you could find some cool way to connect montana and alaska. There would have to be multiple paths across that connection though, so something like a bridge wont work.

    I can see this gametype working for slayer, but not any objective games. If you're trying to keep things realistic, I would recommend giving players sprint initially and removing all the other armor abilities. Also, I think 2x shield would work a little better than 3x. That's all just personal preference though. Goodluck with this project.

    EDIT: You should put an actual title in the title box because it's pretty obnoxious the way it is now :p

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