I have been forging this mini game map for a couple days now and I need help with wonderin what gametype, sapwn, and weapons. Here is a preview: If you would like to help send me a FR and will forge it. also it is not done I just want people to help me build, sense its kinda boring
I'll help you but I want to recieve proper credit for my work. It looks likem your off to a great start. GT= GD BlueDevil BTW Is this map budget glitched?
i can already tell that this map wont be great. allways plan out a map's gametype and design before yuo start plaing objects. you going to end up getting stuck with some crappy infection gametype because you will find that you didnt think it through.
well I am thinking terrorties that what I am originally going to do, but I dont no what would be best, thats why I need help, I have narrowed down the gametypes tho because the objective is to get in the valcano and capture the terroitory and yes this is budget glitched
Looks like it would be really fun when it is completed. I would be glad to help just send my GamerTag a message GT: Leoparddude
I know you posted something up on my visitor messages about helping out, but Ironically, back when I asked you to help test my map Castlanche . You agreed, yet when I sent you a message and friend request you would not accept the friend request, and then would not respond to my messages. I had given you a good 2 weeks with that friend request until I cancelled it. Then a couple days after, there was a post by someone needing help with weapon spawns. You replied like normal, that you would help and then did not show up. I only suggested that I would join to view your little tutorial, with this random dude who was new to forging. Instead, I received a message from him, at the scheduled time, that he sent you several messages, and game invites, and just like when I needed help you did not show up. Sooo, I decided to help him out myself because I sort of felt bad for him. It was his first map variant and also his first experience with help at forgehub, but if instances like these keep occuring to him it only discourages him to ask for help on forgehub. Look at my perspective. I've had a bad experience of you not showing up to games. Now do you actually think this time you would actually be able to attend your own times and be committed to the project? Feel free to contact me. BTW my gamertag has changed, it use to be Master Generals at the time. Now it is Toxic Spade. - Toxic Spade
OMG!!! I swear that was my brother. See he only likes to add people he knowns. So i never knew that you sent me a friend request and I thought your gamertage was toxic sapde so I ignored your messages, thinking it was my brother's friend. But trust me, I would have loved to forge it with you, I will coforge with any1.