I will not choose just anyone, but the best. No hard feeling if you don't get chosen I just need to have the best person for the job in this situation. Because of the red ring of death, I have given all of my maps to BrokenBlazeProductions. They have chosen the one they feel has the most potential, but I feel they all have quite a bit and I would like to see the others finished as well, especially this one. That is why I have posted a thread in the pub and nobody cared to reply at all. :-\ So I am now posting this. I originally started the map with TNF, which soon after, sold his xbox. Then after the RROD I passed it onto metallic snake. Both of which have done a part and will be receiving credit for the map, although they haven't done much. If there is anyone who would like to finish it, they will receive just as much credit as anyone else. Details - I may seem a bit picky in my detailed description but That's really what I hoped the map to be like. Comment on this thread or message me and I'll give more detail/answer questions and everything. Please and thank you.
There are no foundry maps in your sig. May I have something to show that you have the skill to finish the job perfectly? some of your work perhaps?
You should ask blazeisgod to make it. He is awesome at foundry maps . No but seriously... semi-seriously, I would like to do it... my skills as a forger hasn't been shown for the fact that I have been doing a lot of different maps and never get them finished but I might be able to do it... I am pretty good geomerger and interlocker. I might just beable to add to the map and kinda pass it on or something because I am bad at finishing maps... Look at my latest maps too, I used to suck ass..
Thank you. I'm sorry.. I trust that you are good but I need an AMAZINGLY skill geomerger... That is basically all I need to do to get it finished. If you really think you can do this perfectly.. Then I'll give you the map for a try at it. Those are 3 boxes merged into the default foundry start as a ramp... It'll be quite difficult.
I would be happy to help. I can show show you the 2 maps I am working on now: Stockade and Juturna. (btw, There's a preview of Stockade in my sig)
Ya. why don't tks monsters, you and Jeef do it? You'd be about perfect for it, I think. You guys work well together. want to? want to ask them? unless you think youd be able to on your own?
I can talk to both of them. They're always interested in making future features . The only thing I ask though, is if you're on some sort of time crunch, because with the two projects I'm involved in now, it won't be a speedy process. You know, I just don't want to rush things. Still, we (or I) will definitely be able to do this. It looks fantastic thus far. And I'd hate to see a map go to waste. It just may be a week or so until we would be able to devote the needed time, because at least one of the maps should be finished by then.
"Subliminal" is a foundry map, but it has horrible geo-merging. When I made that, I did not know how to geo-merge properly. I have gotten much better since then. i will post a pic tomorow of the new map I am working on to show an example of my work.
Ok. that is fine. It may take a bit to get you the map anyhow. talk to them and let me know. Till then I'll be loading more info on the post. I think I have found the person/people for the job..
Well, if multiple people want to work on this, I can EASILY do this \/ \/ http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd31/xxsofreakingemox/forgehub/56251565-Medium-1.jpg If you check my blog, I have my map database. It is full of old projects andI haven't posted a recent map because I have been doing a bunch of contest maps at a different community.
Well, if I could have the map first and then I do the geomerging in the foundry base and build that structure, that would be great!
Hey Blaze. Me. What exactly is is you want done again. Seeing as we both well... share a similar aesthetic taste. And plus, seeing as I have been gone this would make things easier than starting from scratch. Whatdya say?
See about that as in I go in and do my cosmetics and stuff and then what I don't/can't do they finish?