Want To Have A Map in Matchmaking?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Tristan28, Nov 20, 2008.

  1. Tristan28

    Tristan28 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If you have not heard of it, I am part of a group called Atlas on bungie. This is a group run by Shishka to put user created content on to Halo 3. I am looking for a partner to help me build a map for matchmaking. It is going to be easy for our map to get into matchmaking because most of the maps in there are not that great, or the member does not know how to follow the rules, thus gets his map rejected or blacklisted. I have been active since the start of the group so I know how to do things. I am not the best forger, and that is why I am asking for help.

    Fill this form out:
    Before you ask to join take these to consideration:

    • There is going to a playlist for Capture the flag the whole month of January. We can make that list because nobody has made a good map for that yet. Link to Submission
    • We are going to make a Capture the flag map.
    • The map needs to be done early December so we can start to test it for gameplay.
    • You have to follow all of the matchmaking do’s(1 l 2) and don’ts.
    • You are going to have to be able to take crap from other people. Whether it is the map testers telling you what is wrong, me telling you how we can fix stuff, or the people who might ***** at you for your map being in matchmaking. (This is a big one for me)

    If you have any more questions ask below. If you want your map in matchmaking this is your chance. Once we are done we will play test and get suggestions.
  2. IcedFrappuccino

    IcedFrappuccino Ancient

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    You know I will help you out, broda.

    Name: IcedFrappuccino
    Maps you have made: You know the maps I have made :p Malibu, Jukebox, Panama, Margaritaville :p
    Times you will be available: You never get on, so I will be on when you are on.
    How fast you can get the map done?: You know me :D
  3. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I can help you out. I am working on a map that has turned out great. It will be posted this weekend. The maps I have created is sidagestopper, on my sig. The other maps were made by My brother
  4. Tristan28

    Tristan28 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Please post with the form I have provided.

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