Want to be in Machinima

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by holy liar, Mar 31, 2008.

  1. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I can cast and give a general idea/outline of what each episode will be about. But I'm not writing the whole story and coming up with script.
  2. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    when are u gonna start filming because i want to be in but i don't get my Xbox between Monday and Friday don't worry i have a deep voice too. this would also be my first Machinima

    p.s. nothing bugs me more than a ultra skilled 6 year old with a high voice on Xbox live or anywhere else
    #42 Pennywiez, Apr 5, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2008
  3. holy liar

    holy liar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay, that's fine. Would you mind getting on Halo3 to talk about where would have the first episode filmed. And I would like to meet you. ^_^. What's your Gamertag?
  4. holy liar

    holy liar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sorry, but if you can't get on between the week then all I can give you is a temporary spot to fill if someone else can't make it that day or days.
  5. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Rejecting You

    We can do this tomorrow? Friends are upstairs on it and such.
  6. holy liar

    holy liar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Okay, then I'll see you tomorrow. I'm gonna try to see what places could be good for sertain scenes. I'll add you to my friends list and we can talk more about this tomorrow. Thanxs for all the help. Sorry if I offended you by not using your entire story outline, but you really did give me lots of ideas.
  7. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Like a road cone to the forehead.
  8. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well we must used Sandtrap for the Elite attack and capture of Seargent Jackson.
  9. holy liar

    holy liar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yea, I think I'm gonna stick with that for the first episode, then we can move on to what I wrote for the big bang of the story.
  10. holy liar

    holy liar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dude, if you get on over the weekends, then I might be able to let you cast a voice roll, but as for the acting I'm not sure. Sorry, that's the best I can do.
  11. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I mate be down for a voice.
    If you need a Texan accent with a New Zealand vernacular....

    Also I'm pretty good at set creation if you give me a rough idea of what you want.
  12. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What I was thinking for Episode 2 was:

    They track down the base where the Elites reside. They travel to what they thought was the Elites base but find it to be an abandoned base with dead Spartans everywhere (Maybe High Ground). Then they basically back on square one and they finally locate where the elites' base is. That ends episode 2.

    Episode 3 is where they chase down the guys who have captured Seargent Jackson. There are close calls of the Spartans dying or Seargent being rescued and such, its basically cat and mouse trying to get Seargent Jackson.

    Fourth episode is when they bring back Seargent Jackson but one of the Spartans die. (Or we could have him live, it doesn't matter)

    These are all suggestions.
  13. whitelime

    whitelime Ancient
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    Can I Help?

    I would like to contribute ideas if you need any help and i would also like to do the scene set ups and stuff like that if you need any help, body actor if your not full but my voice does not suit that of a spartan :(. but yeah i wouldn't mind helping if you need me but my xbox is not back for like maybe 3 days, but i will be glad to help with the storyline.
  14. holy liar

    holy liar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If you want you can do a Spartan or an Elite dosn't matter to me, whatever you think you'd be best at. If you have any ideas I would love to hear them.
  15. holy liar

    holy liar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Note: To all that are going to be in the Machinima then add me to your friends list on X-Box Live if you haven't already (NSPS Holy Liar). We are going to start filming on April 15th. If you don't know, this is the day that the Legendary map pack comes out. This dosn't mean were going to use the maps for filming, unless everyone has the maps. I seriously suggest that everyone practice there rolls. For example: I your gonna do body acting, just go into a custom game with a friend and practice talking(moveing your head up and down). If your doing voice acting go to send a message on one of your friends, add voice, and just listen to it after you get through, but discard it afterwards. Good luck, and I'll see you all when we start filming End of the Spartan Race.
    #55 holy liar, Apr 7, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2008
  16. Mostfoozy

    Mostfoozy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I do, its the 14th, so if its too late im fine with it, my GT is


    JUST as seen above, no capitals etc.
  17. Shihuru

    Shihuru Ancient
    Senior Member

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    HEY HEY!!! am I too late, I really want to be in a machinima. So where do i join. I notice the filming dates is right before my b-day.
  18. Dragoncoals

    Dragoncoals Ancient
    Banned Senior Member

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    Could you send me a friend request?

    I am having troubles sending you one.

    Also, Since I had a part in developing this fine site, I might be able to help you.
  19. Rejecting You

    Rejecting You Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Holy, explain to me the plot and how this thing is going to go down.
  20. holy liar

    holy liar Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ok, the main plot is gonna start out with your idea of the first episode where theres a small begining war scene. At the end of that scene The Elite commander will cower in a banshee to try to get away, but Seargeant Jackson takes him down with a MisslePod. Then it shows the present where there's 4 main Spartans chatting on about anything, when another random Spartan jumps in their conversation to tell them bout Elites that are coming over the hillside. Everyone grabs guns and races outside. A small group of Elites are trying to take out the last survivors in the ruins. The few Spartans( around 7) all aim steadily with their weapons towards enemy wraiths, ghosts, and 2 banshees. Some Elites are on foot. Slowly the main 4 Spartans get split up and the others get killed quickly with the heavy weaponry that the Elites brought. The Spartans take out the vehicles fairly quick, but lose track of Seargeant Jackson. When they finally see him in a long distants away it's too late, the Elites have captured him and are taking him away. They go over the hill and dissapear into the sunlight. One of the 3 Spartans left yells out. " We can't just let him go like that, think of what they'll do to him." One of the more calm Spartans answers, " right now there is nothing we can do. We have to be patient and come up with a plan if we're gonna get back." END episode one. Episode two starts out with the 3 left grabbing a warthog and heading out of the desert. They are heading for a UNSC Head Quarters,(High Grounds). When they get their they are asked questions of where they are from because they are all that's left of the spartan race and where thought to be dead. Every one at the camp will wear ODST armour. Shortly after arrival, the Spartans radar's mess up and they can't find out what's interferring with it. It shows a mini clip of an Invisible Elite throwing a Radar Jammer. The Spartans finally realize that they were followed by Elites from the desert. The entire UNSC HQ is destroyed in a matter of seconds along with anyone inside. Luckly for five UNSC ODST, the Spartans led them to safey along the outer ridges of the camp through the pipe line. END episode two. The third installment will have the Eight Surviving members of the UNSC taking every thing they've got to the only known Elite camp in Epitaph. They take out all threats and ask questions. They find out where Seargeant Jackson is being held and persue getting him back any way possible. They learn that he is being help at the Largest Elite Camp they have every incountered. They decide that on before they leave they would plant a Bomb in the center of the base. END episode 3. I know the episodes seem short right now, but alot more will be added when we start.

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