Hi, I'm back with a request for montage material. If anyone has a video clip (below 30 seconds) that's epic and with lots of action, put it on your fileshare. I'll capture it with my capture card and then put it in the montage (don't worry, you'll get credit for it). It's my first montage, so I hope it turns out well. Thanks for all entries. I will post about every week and say which ones I have accepted. Here is the format I would like: Gamertag File Name Length Any cool details Here's an example: The Pasta Sauce Narrows Snipe Off 20 seconds A bunch of cool no scopes in a row This is just an example of my brother's video, he doesn't have it up anymore. Thanks for the entries.
Here-ya-go Here's a clip if you want it. Gamertag: General Gilliam Video Name: Shoop-de-Whoop Length: 0:18 Details: Me almost dying then killing the attcker and killing his whole team. (Team Swat, Blackout)
Gamertag: teh mastar File Name:SEgsy TRIPPLE here is the link to it on bungie: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=33198457 Length: 29 seconds. Any cool details: I had 3 shots left with the sniper rifle. I get 3 seperate headshots in 2 seconds. For a sexy tripple kill. (then pick up a stick later for the killing frenzy, I got a perfection this game )
Gamertag: Whats A Scope File Name: Snipe & 2 for 1 Length: :15 Any cool details: I snipe a guy after knocked out of scope, then kill 2 people with a single sniper shot.
FireFox 919 No Scoping http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=60092490 28 seconds i get a triple kill all no scopes, when will these montage be posted?
All right, the montage is finished! It's not too long (3:45 minutes). All of your clips are at the beginning, and I have some of mine and other people's too. Here's the link: Epic Montage