Original post by: Mr Sark Original post found here: This button _________________________________________________________ Moderator Notice: All Forum Rules, Terms of Use, and the Bungie.net Code of Conduct apply with extra force in this thread. Violations of any will be met with an automatic ban with no warning, in order to allow the Sarkathalon's administrators to see and answer questions more easily. DO NOT ADVERTISE IN THIS THREAD. -Foman Hey everyone. I've been a little busy reviewing saved films, but I noticed that there was some increasingly wild speculation surrounding this latest obstacle course. So here's the goods! The Sarkathlon2 is the latest in a series of viewer challenges that I produce for G4TV's X-PLAY. It is the 3rd Halo race, and the second full-blown obstacle course. Bungie liked the first Sarkathlon, and while I was up looking at the Legendary Map Pack, they offered a set of the Recon Armor to the winner of a new course set on Avalanche! So the week before the maps dropped I cooked up a course, and launched it on Thursday's episode of X-Play. The challenge can be seen HERE. The premise is simple. Get through the course as fast as you can, while gathering the 8 hidden grenades. Cross the finish line, with 8 grenades in your inventory, faster than everyone else, and the prize is yours! The challenge ends on Friday, May 2nd at midnight. We will be running leaderboards Tuesday and Thursday this week on X-Play, and I'm sure they will be online shortly after. Here's the steps that should get you going: 1. Watch the CHALLENGE. 2. Download the Sarkathlon2 Map, Gametype, and Tutorial Vid from my FILE SHARE. If you have trouble downloading via computer. Send my Gamertag, 'Mr Sark', a message and I'll respond so you can get to my profile and file share through Live. 3. Read the File Descriptions and watch the Tutorial Vid (Remember, the tutorial just shows the checkpoints, NOT the grenade locations. Those are on youtube ) 4. Run the course while grabbing the nades, as fast as you can. 5. Drop the Saved Film of your best runs into your File Share and recommend them to me. If you get a better time, recommend it to me as well. There's plenty of time to work out your route. Random Tidbits: -I normally give out T-Shirts from J!nx, so the top 5 times will all get shirts, but ONLY 1st gets Recon. Unless Bungie opens the vault and more Recon tumbles out. -I usually give a shout-out to whomever discovers my signature on the map first. So look for it for fun, but know that it has already been found. -NO flying the Hornets. They are targets only. -You must do the run SOLO. I don't mind if there's buddies in the room while you do it, but they can't assist at all. -You must stay ON the platforms where you are required to do some shooting. No running & gunning. -The Hornets MUST explode when lasered. -You DON'T have to barrel roll the Mongoose. As much as I tried to make that the only choice -And above all, you have to finish while holding eight grenades. Doesn't matter what order you grab them in. Just do it faaast. If you fall, and drop a nade or two, you have to start over. I'm sure there's something I'm forgetting, but this should answer some of the frequently asked questions out there. Have fun with the course if you give it a spin! _____________________________________________________ Some helpful videos: On youtube just search- Sarkathelon
I know of this, I can do it in five minutes. That is fast, but not near fast enough, fastest times are under four minutes. EDIT This belongs in the Halo Discussion section.
I was doing the Sarkathlon2 and was getting time nearly 30 seconds better than the posted top times (3:31 was the fastest at the time). I was going to send it in when I realized I needed 8 grenades at the end. I then went and downloaded an other run that was done to see where they were. I found them then tried to get them then after a few hours, I said screw this and left it.