OK as the other day while playing Pathfinder with friends, an idea came to me for a map and game-type. OK so picture if you will a labyrinth style map (a large maze), used for an infection based game-type, the map will be a large cube (4 sides with a ceiling) and between the ceiling and floor a grid where the zombies will spawn, giving them a view down onto the map and as many teleporters as permitted (sorry cant remember the exact number that Forge World has, but what ever it is divide by 2 so there is half up top on grid for zombies to go through and half to receive them in the maze) the grid allowing the zombies a chance to get an idea of where the spartans are before they enter the maze. Please give me some opinions of this idea, if it is good/bad and any views.
I believe that there are ten teleporters you can place. As for the map idea... Mazes have been done to death, and giving Zombies a view of the entire maze isn't that original of an idea. The maze itself would have to be very good for the map to be considered original.