i am looking to form a team slayer team, for matchmaking, so that me and everyone else on the team can reach 50 in ts. obviously this team will have to be good, so if you want to sign up, your rank has to be 40 or higher in either, team slayer, doubles, MLG, team objective, or lone wolves. if its 40 or higher in anything else, you will not be accepted, sorry, but we need the best of the best and a 50 in swat, really dosn't make you to good, just at headshots. so if you want to sign up, say your GT, your rank in one of the given gametypes, and what you think your good at, i'll show an example. gt stin10 rank: 43 in ts, best skills: really good br, ok sniper. remember, theres only 3 spots open, so sign up fast.
im looking for a team also. But since school just started not much time to play. Ill add you and if we are on then play? Im usually on with my cousin Lord Sick1g, my GT is x Zerosun. TS - 46 Dubs - 47 LW - 47 i got a pro BR but my sniping isnt consistant. If i start off good i end up getting 80-90% headshots. If not dont count on me getting kills
add me to if you want. GT:Swe Engine II Rank: 44 Ts , 47 doubles and a 46 in lone wolf. best skills: realy good with br and sniper.
You can add me. 45 team slayer 46 lone wolves 45 doubles 41 MLG GT: DimmestBread My BR is pretty good. I am unusually good at very long range BR, so I am more of a support player, but I rush if necessary. My sniper is pretty good as well.
ok disregard the message i sent, looks like we have our team, unless anyone else wants to, in which case, we might need tryouts. but i doubt it.