This map works best for One-Sided CTF, becauseof the height and cover difference between the two sides. It is also great for4 teams, and CAN support BTB, although it is not suggested by any means. Teamsof four or five shall do. FFA is great too. Oddball, KOTH, and Extraction are alsosupported. (2) Battle Rifle – 45 seconds (2) DMR – 45 seconds (2) Lightrifle – 45 seconds (2) 2 Plasma Grenades – 30 seconds (2) 2 Pulse Grenades – 30 seconds (2) 2 Frag Grenades – 30 seconds Needler – 60 seconds Scattershot – 120 seconds (neutral) Rocket Launcher – 120 seconds (neutral) SAW – 120 seconds (attacker) Sniper Rifle – 120 seconds (defender) Mongoose (one neutral Mongoose) Mantis (one neutral Mantis) [seen below] Bird's eye view; the defenders are in the complex, the attackers spawn outside. There is equal weaponry, except the defenders have a sniper and the attackers have a SAW. A second bird's eye view. The inside tunnels have an entrance on the attacker's side (red team) and an entrance through the window, has an extit at two points. The hole in the roof allows the waterfall to flow down to create a more of an aesthetic-pleasing feel. The first exit appears as you go up the hill, leading to the initial spawn for the defenders, which is he main level of the structure. The second exit, or rather the desination of the passage, is the top of the complex, containing the sniper and the flag for the defenders. The "Platform, Ramped" on the right of the picture holds the flag for the attackers (blue team) if you decide to play two-sided CTF. The initial spawn for the attackers are in between the two tall, green structures. (Willing to edit if there are any problems) -Thankyou
yes, now that I think about it, this does look a bit too open. but although it is open, the mantis is restricted from entering a lot of the map. i tried to have open and close quarters combat to give a variety of ways to play this map. i will go through and make a v2 with more cover and possibly a ghost instead of a mantis
I think that the mantis is fine but you need to have a way for the team that doesn't get it to stop it, for balancing purposes. I think the rocket launcher will work fine for that but im not sure where it is. I will give the map a download later to try it out.
Appreciate the DL and the rocket launcher spawns where the "stunt ramp" leads to (on the 4th picture). Tell me if I'm wrong, but I believe the short distance between the rockets and the Mantis will help in terms of balancing.
Distance should be fine as long as both teams can reach them at the same time preventing one team from having both (ideally). perhaps providing cover for players to hide from the mantis would be good. The difficult thing about having one power vehicle is making it feel powerful and rewards yet not overpowered.
i couldnt agree more, and that is what i was trying to do. i tried to make this map an ideal one-sided CTF map because if the attackers do get the mantis, you still have to get to the top of the structure to get the flag. the mantis should be support, for objectives, not to just kill ppl. spawn killing isnt a problem either, because of the 150 neutral spawn points in the map; a good amount of which are indoors or in a decent amount of cover. it is probably safe to say the mantis is a LITTLE bit closer to the attackers and the rocket launcher is a LITTLE closer to the defenders.