I personnally find the waterfall and creek idea becoming quite overused. Your map really sticks out from the hordes of creek maps though. It has excellent interlocking, and looks superbly smooth. Great job.
That's sort of what I was thinking from looking at these pics. You can obviously execute ideas pretty well. I just don't think this map has any truly creative basis behind it. If you think you can pull off a remake or beaver creek, that would be awesome, but I don't think foundry has the resources. I'd really like to see a map based around a more unique concept than the creek running down the center. Strong forge work, though.
wow. you finished this map quick. i remember when i was in your game and all you had was just the floor and a half finished base and you were just starting working on the river. nice job on the map paulie. it really does look like you worked real haed on the map.
thanks everyone, it would be hard to remake beaver creek with the size of foundry, it might be able to be done tho, the main thing would be to build the underground part of it.
omg, you've actually made a real competitive map, and it's not a house or a castle... it's a miracle. lol. anyway it looks very pleasing and neat. but there's no way i can see 6 people playing on this map, i'd say 2 v2 is the max... because this map is VERY small. 2 sniper rifles don't really seem necessary either, again to the fact that it's so small... idk tho. i guess these small maps aren't my type.
your map looks great, i know its not a remake, but it has a minor resemblence to the map beaver creek from halo 1 & 2
This map looks very good. I know you didn't make it as a remake, but it looks like a good one. Great job making the creek also. It looks very hectic though for it's size but more cover could fix it up Still 5/5
Great job on the map. not the msot origional but constructed well great job. 9.5/10. you haz been good repped. also this looks like bever creek so yuo should call this aremake and get it on the remake page.
looks ok. theresactually a place near where i live called walnut creek. its in the bay area if u wanna look it up.
This map looks great! There have been lots of creek maps but this seems to be the best i have seen yet. I Think it would create some awsome gameplay aswell. I like the whole hill feel to it too. Nice work and keep it up
looks like a great 1v1 or 2v2 map. nice interlocking. 5/5 .................did i forget to mention that my favorite kind of maps are small isolated ones