
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by killer200O, Apr 6, 2008.

  1. killer200O

    killer200O Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Description:
    WallRider was originally designed as a figure 8 track with a hilly terrain, it has gone through several revisions, mods, and upgrades since then and has evolved into an incredible map. We are pushing Forge to the limit and your Xbox 360's ability to render such a high quality map, to produce what you see today. This track is the pinnacle of mongoose racing. Countless hours of Forging and testing have gone into this track to get it to look and drive just like we were envisioning it to.

    Other maps made by us:

    Gametype location:

    Join our HaloTracks

    The RACETRACKS Gametype (download)
    ¤ First player to complete 50 laps wins. (this can be edited to your preferences)

    ¤ Racers only get points for completing a lap, nothing else.

    ¤ There is only one VIP Point (lap counter) on the map, not all of the confusing only the person in first place gets points, multiple VIP Point style.

    ¤ Racers do 0% damage to prevent the killing of other racers.

    ¤ Racers are invulnerable preventing any sort of killing (except for assassinations)

    ¤ Friendly fire is turned on so that you cannot kill a team way in any way, not even assassinations.

    ¤ Racers have normal movement and gravity to avoid all of the annoying slow and impeding game play of high gravity and slow movement.

    WallRider Pictures: (View Full Gallery)

    Spawn Point View 1: A frontal view of the spawn before the starting gate spawns.
    Spawn Point Overhead View: An overhead view of the spawn before the starting gate spawns. Note the pit that you will get stuck in if you somehow cross the start line before it spawns
    Spawn Point After Gate Spawn Overhead: As you can see the gate has spawned (fence box) and the penalty pit have been covered over so you can safely start the race.
    Spawn Point After Gate Spawn Frontal: This is just another view of the starting point after the gate has spawned.
    The First Turn: As you can see, on the first turn, right after the spawn gate, there is a major opportunity to pass other racers on the inside. There is also a risk of falling off the track here it you take this turn too tight.
    The First Turn View 2: Here is another view of the first turn. You can see here how banked the turn is.
    Turn On Stairs: On the second turn which is made out of stairs is a good plave to gain speed before the off cambered turn.
    Turn On Stairs View 2: You can see here how the elevation on this turn drops which makes it slightly more difficult to drive at a fast speed.
    Off Cambered Turn View 1: Here you can see the best passing point on the track, the off cambered turn. It is very difficult to drive at hight speeds allowing skilled drivers to take the inside at this point and passing other racers.
    Off Cambered Turn View 2: If you compare the last image to this one you can see how one racer passed the other by taking the inner edge of the turn. This is a very good move to practive on WallRider.
    Turn Up The Bridges: On this section of track you can loose a lot of speed by slowing down to take the turn because it is uphill it makes it very difficult to recover lost speed.
    Starting Your Way Down: Well when you go up you must go down, in this case down a very terrain like downhill ramp. This part of the track makes it feel more like driving down a hill on Standoff than walls on Foundry.
    Continuing The Descent: At this point you can see how this not your average straight line ramp. This one is very different.
    The End Of The Hill: Here is the downhill section of the track.
    Bridge Bank: After the downhill a banked turn made up of bridges awaits.
    Shield Door Elevator: Inside of the elevator is the VIP Point (Lap Counter) Which makes it impossible for Racers to go through the VIP Point while not in a mongoose.
    Shield Door Elevator Top: At the top of the shield door elevator.
    Going Down, Again: After the shield door elevator you now drive down a near vertical fence box which leads you back to the start of the track.
    There And Back Again: After going straight down you lany on the bridges near the stard and are pushed along by grav lifts to maintain you speed.
    Overview 1: This is an overview of the track

    Thank you,
    please download, rate, and comment.
    Download http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=19234252&viewreplies=true&postRepeater1-p=1
    You can also download V2 Here: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=36218200
    #1 killer200O, Apr 6, 2008
    Last edited: May 25, 2008
  2. Nitrous

    Nitrous Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You have a very nice post. You just need to embed screenshots before the post is perfect.
  3. TXGhost

    TXGhost Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this map looks very clean. I like how you included the anti-cheat feature. Downloaded.
  4. killer200O

    killer200O Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'll embed the screenshots. i was trying to keep the post side down though.
  5. Snipers Stealth

    Snipers Stealth Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this looks incredible. Clearly, as you stated, a LOT of time has gone into this, and it looks like a LOT of fun.
    Great job, well worth a download!
  6. killer200O

    killer200O Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah we spent a LONG time on this map. It has been in concept for about a month but was delayed due to our ( c u l8er and I's) immersion in running our group and developing a website. Now that it is our it is getting quite a good amount of downloads. Almost 900 in 2 days.

    IxGUNxSLINGERxI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks like a very solid map i would just like to ask Two question does the elevator work every time and can you cheat from the start
  8. killer200O

    killer200O Ancient
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    Yes it works EVERY time. I have done over 200 laps and I have never had it mess up or seen it mass up for anyone. No it is not possible to cheat at the start.
  9. DRO Maelstrom

    DRO Maelstrom Ancient
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    Maps that have good posts and interlocking are worth a download.

    Maps that are cheat-proof are worth keeping.

    Good job guys!
  10. killer200O

    killer200O Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you all for the positive feedback.
  11. voodoo

    voodoo Ancient
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    awesome map. the elevator is sick.
  12. whitelime

    whitelime Ancient
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    This looks very well done and the starting is awesome and so is the anti cheat system. it seems to play very well and is clean and interesting
    nice map.
  13. killer200O

    killer200O Ancient
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    Thanks for the comments and keep them coming.
  14. TrueBlue Wolf

    TrueBlue Wolf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very nice race map. Looks well polished doesn't look like you can fall off of it (grr... I hate falling off race tracks). It's fun and it plays incredibly well. The track is also wide enough for a lot of racers at once which is a very good thing and also something I don't see too often in racers. Nice work and I hope to see other good racers from you in the future.
  15. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    I'm usually skeptical about some race maps from HaloTracks because a lot of their previous maps have had a lot of honor rules but this map seems to have none. The map looks incredible. I'll have to try it out tomorrow and give a better opinion.
  16. OddWorld17

    OddWorld17 Ancient
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    great job cant wait to test it out
  17. McNab 1

    McNab 1 Ancient
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  18. killer200O

    killer200O Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thank you all for the comments. It would be nice to see some reviews from people who have already played the track.
  19. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well I have. And it was pretty good but A little too short. Maybe make your next track a bit longer.
  20. killer200O

    killer200O Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well we had to make it short because of lag and cheatablenes.

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