Wall of Death

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by GEO17, Jun 24, 2011.

  1. GEO17

    GEO17 Forerunner

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    Wall of Death!

    If your bored, and looking to have a good laugh and challenge yourself with your friends then this would be the map to do it. This map uses a modified version of the Skee Ball gametype. Both teams compete to make it to the top to score while trying to survive a hail of Skee Balls. All players have unlimited amour lock and move at a slow pace to make it more challenging. To score, simply drive your mongoose through the teleporter. It may seem impossible, but trust me ive made it to the top.

    yea, you have to make it through that

    for once, armour lock is a good thing


    Map requires custom gametype in order to play​
  2. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Honestly Looks cool, But this is basicly and exact copy of Avalanche. Somehow you felt no need to give credit to Darth Human for creating the original mechanics of the custom gametype.
  3. GEO17

    GEO17 Forerunner

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    actually other then the armour lock and the movement speed i changed some other things, and yes, avalanche is wat lead to the inspiration but its not an exact copy, as ull be able to tell when you play it
  4. Speechee6

    Speechee6 Forerunner

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    no this is exact. did you even ask if u could take his idea? and take out the FX burns my eyes.
  5. Natetendo83

    Natetendo83 Forerunner

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    Forgive me if I'm missing something but is there a rule saying that you can't take an idea and make your own creation without crediting the original or is it just one of those unwritten things?

    Edit: Nevermind I just looked up Avalanche, this is practically an exact copy...woa
    #5 Natetendo83, Jun 24, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2011
  6. Speechee6

    Speechee6 Forerunner

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    really it's just impolite to not credit people who help you. such as when you become a doctor, you have to write a huge book about your research. if you don't credit quotes and peoples idea's, they fail you and make you do it all over.
  7. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    Though this map is very similar to Avalanche, it isn't the EXACT same thing. I actually think I like this one more. Though it would be nice for him to give credit, he doesn't really have to, especially if he didn't know he was using another person's idea. I don't really think Darth is going to get pissed at this guy for not crediting him either. Darth didn't help him on the map either. Don't be so quick to judge.

    Anyways, ya like I said earlier, I think I might like this map more than Avalanche. I like the use of those cylinders to launch the balls.
    #7 Cryptokid, Jun 24, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2011
  8. GEO17

    GEO17 Forerunner

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    Thank you, if the MODs say I didnt copy it, i didnt copy it, dont judge until uve actually played it, its not similar, does he have ramps on his map? no, does this one have 4 teams? no it has two so dont say its similar
  9. csrgamer

    csrgamer Forerunner

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    It's definatly similar, it's just not the same.
  10. hollow123

    hollow123 Forerunner

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    U MAD BRO!
    Look no it's not a copy, but you need to chill! Let people think what they want. Yes you built it to the idea of Darth's map, but no its not an exact copy, there are minor changes that can change game play! Yes you should at least give credit though it would be nice. even with my map I gave credit to EightBall for the help with idea for it. So just let others think what they want, but do please give credit!

    Anyways good map it's interesting and the ramps add a interesting way of play! Plus I give you credit for the ability to actually being able to make a insane game mode, not a easy task! Well good map, but do try and give credit for the idea!
  11. ViolentDownfall

    ViolentDownfall Ancient
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    –adjective 1. having a likeness or resemblance, especially in a general way: two similar houses.

    Picture from Darth Human's map "Avalanche"
    Picture from Geo17's map "Wall of death"

    lets look at the similarities:
    Golf Balls falling on players
    Roll down on enclosed area made by colliseum walls
    Can ride up in mongeese or walk
    Have obsticles to obstruct balls

    Ramps on floor, not walls
    2 teams not 4

    Pretty small differences, Pretty big similarities.

    There is almost no arguement that this is not similar, it looks like you just took avalanche, deleted a few things here and there and added ramps and fx. If you did a totally different map then I would be on your side but now no.

    While I say that I also want to point out that Darth Human isn't the first one ever to have things falling at you, it has been done countless times all of which in my opinion are the same gameplay with different scenery.

    Overall My review of your map is a 3/5 for lack of originality, poor gameplay and aesthetics
  12. GEO17

    GEO17 Forerunner

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    To my defence when I actually started making this map I didnt know it was even done before until a friend of mine told me about avalanche and showed me the map, I had the golf ball idea already set, just didnt know how to keep them spawning over and over until I my friend told me to just put a soft kill zone, also his slope is taller then mine, mine just has a lot more golf balls then his does which makes it more challenging, and as far as asthetics goes, with all those balls continusly spawning having fancy aesthetics would've probably caused framerate issues, also, eveybody needs to relax okay, i didnt even realize darth human made it until after i had already started working on it, I found out about it when my friend joined my forge game and told me, and comon, its a map that has balls flying towards you, it doesnt need to look spiffy in order to be fun
  13. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Honestly I think we all had our message come across. I was just trying to point out the fact that next time you should respect the honor rule of giving credit when needed. Even if it is something as simple as inspiration.

    Anyway I think I'll try it out too.
  14. GEO17

    GEO17 Forerunner

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    thanks, and noted for next time, but like the mod guy said, it wouldve been nice, but I didnt have too
  15. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    For starters, that guy isn't a moderator. I am.

    To make things clear; I intend to download this map and compare it to Darth's. If there are any alarming similarities (same location...) then the thread will be locked and you will be punished according to the rules. If its not a direct copy, and it is merely a spiritual successor, you will be free to go. Be advised however, it is proper etiquette to give credit to the creator of the idea. In this case, it would have been intelligent to give a shout-out to Darth Human thanking him for the idea of the constant golf-ball-spawn machine, etc.

    If you did simply edit his map (regardless of if you came up with the idea before you heard of his,) you can still tell me before I have a chance to look at the map and I will simply lock the thread and forget it happened, letting you off clean because, quite simply, you seem like a pretty cool guy.

    Any further comments on the matter will be considered spam and treated as such.
  16. GEO17

    GEO17 Forerunner

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    lol no, i did not edit his map, and i dont even kno what location its in, but mine is just above the water cause i wanted to give the illusion the balls were going into the water instead of disappearing
  17. Cryptokid

    Cryptokid Ancient
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    Just read his reply after mine now reflex, I would have corrected him sooner about me not being a mod otherwise. Now let's get some actual comments on the map in here people!
    #17 Cryptokid, Jun 26, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2011
  18. GEO17

    GEO17 Forerunner

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    lol well first lets see wat reflex has to say first
  19. haseo yashimora

    haseo yashimora Promethean

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    this looks like its going to hurt o_O
  20. Minion

    Minion Forerunner
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    I think this map is actually a lot more fun to play on than darth humans map because there are more golfballs so its actually a lot harder. Also the aesthetics are great. And anyone who says he copied darth human, remember, there are loads of maps like this created before darth human, all darth human did was take a shredder map and put golf balls instead of vehicles.

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