Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. It kinda sucks that the contest didn't get so many submissions, but you can't do much without having much popularity (in comparison to the staff) and a rather outlandish list of criteria (despite being the point of these kinds of contests). Anyhow, from a contestant's perspective, I wouldn't mind continuing with the judging and prizes
Which is one of many reasons why I abstained from participating... All the same, he should follow through with his promises. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Life isn't nice. It's a shame. But whoever loses shouldn't feel bad about it. They took the chance of loosing regardless of how many entrants participated.
like I said, you gotta do what you gotta do. I think it would be appropriate for the host to explain why the maps are placed where they're at, so at the least it's justified (It shouldn't be hard with 4 maps). It's not like we can confirm the lack of bias in the smackdown map judging (I'm just saying, not accusing). Edit: I looked at the submission thread. I only see 3 maps submitted (my 1v1, someone else's 1v1, and a btb map). Someone made a race map, but the contest didn't support race.
Yeah, I miss counted, I just went off of pictures and mine was one. Just a quick observation that I didn't look into much detail. Though even three maps makes it even worse off than before. Not really a competition.
Doesn't matter. You should have acknowledged the potential for this to occur when you started. You can either stick by your word and pay up, or allow your reputation to be trashed.
Okay the money wasn't ever a problem and it was a contest. Now, the best you can say about this entire thing is three maps thrown into a group. I really would of liked to see at least ten maps submitted, but I guess you don't always get what you want. (that has a double meaning if you can understand it) I went through hours of work to create this contest, yet all I get is children crying saying "Where is my money?!" The last thing I ever wanted was to shoot my own idea down, nobody would. If you think this will destroy a reputation on here, well good for you because it was gone before I started this contest saying I'm a nooby to this website. The best I can do is rate which ones are best, and be done with this. Don't hate because you think you would do it differently. Trust me when I say this, you would do the exact same thing as me.
I shouldn't take part in this, as it doesn't concern me, but to be fair, I still think you should give out the MSP. It was a contest, and the people who participated worked hard on the Wall Coliseum maps deserve the prize.
If I were in your position I would continue the contest. I don't see why not. You already went through the work of getting the judges selected, and the minimum number of submissions needed was met (3 maps for 3 places). Sure, it won't be the grandest contest, but as long as the places are declared and the prizes handed out it will be a successful contest. I really, really don't see why you would pass on that chance of success in favor of becoming yet another drop in the bucket of aborted community contests. I know it sounds biased coming from a participant, but I'm being honest. I would not do the exact same thing as you. There's no way in hell I would pass up a chance to prove people wrong. It's too much fun.
If the entry to prize ratio is the problem, you could always just remove two of the latter. You could even save some cash and make 400 msp the first place prize. Hell, I'll forge something if you extend the contest to monday. Your choice though, I won't be chastising you for what ever decision you make.
Possibly to honor your commitment. Boom. In all seriousness, I'm grateful for the fact that there are community members that host contests here, offering prizes. Still though, you're the one that made a post that motivated the few of us to forge a map dedicated to this contest, without making necessary disclaimers addressing possible issues. So yeah, some people "cry for their money" with fair reasoning behind it. As for your quote "You would do the same thing if you were me," it's situational. If I didn't want to bother hosting another contest in the future, then I'd just drop this one. Otherwise, I would pull through and make the best out of the next one. Not only do you learn from failure, but people start to notice your validity in trying.
Actually, I'd stand by my word and hand out the prizes if I were in your position... But I'm not, because I know better. Most non-staff contests fail. We've seen it happen several times over now. But if I were naive enough to to do so other wise, I'd stick to my commitments. That's what you do. It's the right thing to do. A man that doesn't stick to his commitments isn't worth spit.
I think Auburn's idea is nice as a compromise, though. Seeing as though every entrant gets a prize... it makes no sense Even less than four entrants.
I've gathered two important pieces of information from your recent posts, FM, that have given me an idea. 1) The prizes were never an issue, and 2) you were hoping for at least 10 entries. So how about this - you extend the deadline, indefinitely, until 10 entries are submitted. Then from there we continue on with the whole shabang. I think now that we see you are still posting on this site (instead of disappearing from FH after a month) and at least being man enough to tell everyone the contest failed, we can trust you when you say the prizes weren't an issue. I think that would definitely motivate more people to make a submission. With that being said, I would gladly make a map if you use this suggestion. That plus Auburn makes 5 entries, so we're already halfway there! What do you guys think? Would some of you be interested in making a map if we knew for certain we would get our prizes?
With that suggestion, I might just join, just to help you lift it up to 10 people, because, well, my forging sucks.