Ok, dragon, we have no idea what that means, so just take a few pics depicting the situation you are in, and we can help.
We do, your just stupid. What he wants to do, is get passed a teleporter, that leads to a reciever, but without getting teleported, as he has said several times.
I know, but to FULLY understand the situation completely, we (or at least I do) need pics of the telporters and the areas around said teleporters.
I think what he meant is, we can't help him without a thorough description, cause since it is a puzzle, there has to be a way around it, but we have to look at it ourselves first hand, not just "There is a send going to a receiver".
I think he would have jumped over, walked around or something else if it was possible, he just wants to get passed one, rather than you needing the details of around it. Has this ever occured to you?
PICK ME!! Ok, so teleporters have two sides, a top and bottom I encountered this while working on my very old sharks and minnows map, You can walk through the metal part of the top of a teleporter, if that helps at all (even if it is pushed up against a wall)
I got the answer!!!! You make the place you teleport too just above you, but sealed off. You then put a crate or dumpster to block the teleporter. But you have a grav lift that spawns at the start of round. But you interlock a custom into the ceiling/floor preventing the crate/dumpster from moving. But just high enough you need to walk to grab it. If you crouch you can go underneath the powerup, and walk through the blocked teleporter!!!
And my Axe! And my Bow! Coals, you can't do it, in almost every circumstance. Ooh, ooh! Apparently, I'm a douhce!
Why does everyone ignore me in every thread I post in? If it is laying on its side, this would be INCREDIBLY easy to do...