After a Grueling 5 hours I am happy to release this map. It is a nice combination of strategy/tactics and sometimes a little luck. To compliment this map is a gametype that didn't take 5 hours but through a little testing should assist game play and intensify the action. Moving on... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gametype Download: Rat Race(follow link to gametype queue then there will be a link to map) Recommended players:1-4 Notes: This gametype works for both a solo endeavor and if you want to have more of a race to the finish. ----------------------------------------------------- Credit: LoD BlAcK MaNtA (me) LoD SoLoMoN G (Kingsbury) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Screens: note some areas purposely not pictured First area- Overview- Outdoor overview-
Re: Wait Which Way? a brand new maze/puzzle map Its fairly basic, but I like the use of the out f the map areas.
Re: Wait Which Way? a brand new maze/puzzle map well if ur going by just pictures then it appears basic, but there are few areas i really enjoyed making that were not not to ruin them
Re: Wait Which Way? a brand new maze/puzzle map You probably should change your topic title to the same name as your map title before a moderator changes it for you. Linky-link
Re: Wait Which Way? a brand new maze/puzzle map wait which way? is the name of the map i put a link tho the gametype and on that page is a link to the map so to make sure u download the gametype that goes with the map
Re: Wait Which Way? a brand new maze/puzzle map I meant that you should remove "a brand new maze/puzzle map" from the topic title. I'm sorry if I was unclear.