My TGIF this time around was rather enjoyable. We had a load of fun playing various types of mini-games. We started off with some clue, moved on to some Rocket Racing and even played some ball-type (Griffball, Football, Gooseball) games. After that we played Lily Pads, Double Decker, and Dr. Spy. We then opened the party up so we could play some Cat 'n' Mouse. I had to leave early so I finished the night off with some Loyal Snipers. All and all I would say we had a lot of fun. I hope to see you all next time. Here we have someone trying to kill god (me) because this is their first time playing clue (he thought I was the killer) After about two minutes of spamming nades at me, he gave up and moved on. He didn't get very far however... In the next game I was giving the chance to be I decided to kill the same guy last... Feeling kind bad for the dude, I gave him that chance to be killer, and you know what? He was actually pretty good! (He got everyone killed) --But like the past, he was the last to die. Here we have Orange and Red team in Rocket Race Notice how green team is the only team not flying... Again with green team... Orange team doing so crazy stuff Wheelie! Getting a two for one with a long-range rocket Grifball! In the last round I got a triple kill with one swing and then moved in for an overkill-bomb score Deathtoll making the first touchdown of the game Deathtoll defending me while I was away Fieldgoal Fail Odds are down Fieldgoal Win *MORE IN THE NEXT POST*
Getting a Kill-a-man-jaro! Gooseball! Using the bubbleshield is key I hurd u liek snipar rifles Teammate died and randomly dropped camo He doesn't even know... Fired his lazarz In Double Decker you should watch out for flying grav lifts... ...and dead bodies... Spy vs Spy Spy fail! Being a Spy means you have to be sneaky. However, sometimes you need to also be deadly. Here's how to be both: Killer Spy I hurd u liek wheelies This guy thought it'd be a good idea to play with the fusion coils High as a kite *MORE IN THE NEXT POST*
Cutting it Close They don't call me the Mongoose Mouse for nothing In this screenshot you see me being a "jerk". --I'm riding backwards and not letting him on. Something about David and Goliath? Epic Wait, what? Classic Killtac in the upside down room Well, that is all folks, I hope you enjoyed them.
oh oh oh the Cat n' Mouse pic where you are the last man standing I was alone as mouse the brown guy :O
Wow, thank you, this was the first TGIF where I actually found myself in the screenshots. It was simply great fun, I still have the filmclip with me losing the camo. But its easy to explain: I haz tha magical lag powers! Anyways, great TGIF, great fun. I hope Ill be in the next one again.
what map is the upside down stuff in? that is so epic win. i remember one map it was a cube, but it was standing on one of the edges. after playing that i felt like i was gonna throw up.
How would i be able to be in a TGIF party? When is it, it looks fun. People actually playing halo for fun and not for exp or rank. Please tell me how i can join, i really want to, thanks
Pretty cool screenshots. A few of them are bland though. Just keep taking pictures like the first one.