Alrighty, first of all I would like to thank DRiSC0LL for helping with hosting. He did a great job and really helped out with making the night one hell of one. The first group was small but we started the night off with some conquest. After a while we grew and we had a lot of fun on various maps. We had a X-mas themed (red vs green) MLG fight on Guardian and that was actually really fun. Through out the night we played some Cat 'n' Mouse, some more conquest, Pennyless, Tremor Blast, Battle Snipers/Lasers, Tremors, Necro Falls, Chaos King, and much much more. There was plenty of good times, and there were also some bad times. But for the most part it was enjoyable. I'll admit that I lost some games and couldn't get them back but I did get a total of 46 from the ones I did have. So I hope you enjoy them! --Moving on to the pics nao. This isn't good... Divine Death Green Spikes Triple Kill! Campers... So there we were... ...getting an insane amount of air... ...and firing teh laz0rz... ...and of course we land it... ka-blam! X-mas MLG Style There was a lot of us Chaos King on Ambrosia is always fun The Chaos is very winly We were in their base, killing their dudes (X-mas style conquest!) Necro Falls = Lots of dead bodies Three person mongeese Your a hero! ...oh wait... I can be a very brave driver. > Some jerk killed this guys cat so he contemplated suicide He looked up to the skies and thought hard Then, with coming to a conclusion, he jumped off the side of the cliff Golden Soldiers Fighting Im in ur teleporter box, sniping ur dudes Xanon and Cryptokid were in our teleporter box, dancing around This guy isn't going to live very long... Overkill! (winning the final round) My driver died so I was trying to jump back to the spawn when I failed a jump and landed on the bottom track and got splattered... Someone that was lurking on the track stuck my sniper and this was the shot I got out of it... Winly Chasm at it's best Overkill! (This time on Chasm! ) We were fighting over who should have got the sticky... I ended up getting it. At the end of the game a few of us decided to jump around in the death pit. Pennyless is always fun to play Riku just sat there while I punched him in the face Xanon went on strike and didn't shoot anyone... well... he shot the last guy down... I kicked this guy out of my bubble. > An epic shot, and for a while we had three people behind the cover Xanon and I were safetly in cover when I accidentally threw a fire bomb... Rusty Eagle was trying to push me out of the bubble shield so I set him and I on fire. ...He was standing on my head... >_> I punched this dude in the face! This was an awesome laser kill. Well then, that's it for the pics. I hope you enjoyed them.
Well Vorpal I must say your recaps are win, you are win. The TGIF was extremely fun and I'm glad I had the honor to host with you. I love your captions, they are funny yet smart. The first screenshot, I hoped you would get this because i feel your new custom title should be "Vorpal Saint, Ninja" I must say, your a very good halo player and 90% of the time you were the one to take down my sprees. I wanted to apologize about the mlg on guardian, I thought I could get a good game of 5 v 5 to warm us up for more MLG such as Regicide. But When I got the map and game type more people joined, anyhow I'm glad you enjoyed it. Chaos King on Ambrosia, I was aware of the size of the map and I was somewhat to believe we were going to play 14 man free for all, the words as the game started were " just run at the whole and hit B" thus I found myself sitting back, finish off every ones kills. I set my self up for many triples and a killtrocity, shown at the end of my recap vid. I noticed myself a thew times overall, if there isn't a TGIF Recap announcement it wouldn't matter because you've killed it man, brilliant shots, great cations, and 46? insane, I bow down. Finally, Necro falls wouldn't be the same if we weren't inches up in dead bodies.
To bad I couldn't be there this time...I think I was testing one of my newer maps. Anyways looked like fun and some new games to
What about the group picture? I tried to get a decent screenshot of it but there was really no good angle. I got one good shoot where you were on the mongoose in the air and in the center and mass chaos in the background. I was in SomeoneInAHat's mongoose in that second to last picture. We owned you guys the first race game but then we got stuck in spawn that game on Quasar, obviously . You should have put in a screenshot of when I jumped over all of your heads on Chasm and kept you guys pinned down in there. That's always my favorite tactic. Pretty fun TGIF, great recap.
I had a great time while i was in your party unfortunately i was lagging all through the conquest game ( that's right im XxChrOniKxX ) I also think i was that person that splattered you while playing battle snipes. : ] i killed you lololololololololol
Nice screenshots Vorpal, just saying you could add more people that were in the party though which would be cool