VOLSUNG This is a work in progress, Dont JUDGE ME! This is my first map since my long absence, so my skizzills are rusty i will be meshing the walls together after testing. Its is a symetrical map with two bases and two sniper towers. The tower has mancannons to help get up to top level. I made this map for slayer but can be modified for many other gamertypes. this is an overveiw NINJA There are 2 turrets in the map. base 1 base there are 2 symetrical bases 1 side sniper tower I will post a link when im finished testing tell me whacha think its my first map since my return so i need constuctive help.
This section is for completed maps. If you wanted to post a preview for your map, Forge Discussion is the place to do it.
it's too dull, the bases looks like bricks, it has no creativity and i know its symmetrical or supposed to be close to that but you could make it idk......... it all looks too close to the ground try making stuff in the air like giant pillers they don't need to be playable just have some artistic elements in it..
Your rusting skills are not my worry... it's your imagination. You placed two bland bases opposite from each other with the whole map composed of equally spaced blocks... wow. Try to get a forging partner to help you with ideas and try to practice your forging skills and try out the new ghost merging.
The point of the blocks is to make terrain. This looks like a more open foundry. If you filled the empty space with geomerged/interlocked objects to make a more organic feel this could be good